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Commissioner Hemminger said that schools are going to turf fields and Durham is <br /> converting to Astroturf. She said that the turf is much more flexible in terms of use. She pointed <br /> out that Chapel Hill was willing to waive all the permitting fees and Carrboro is not. She said <br /> that the soccer entities are interested in talking about this. She would like to see artificial turf on <br /> a field. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that there was a soccer symposium task force that came up <br /> with a report that had parameters. He said that this is background for this discussion and he <br /> does not understand why these documents are not in the packets. He said that he was <br /> confused about page 19 and the costs. There are a lot of different numbers. He suggested <br /> getting some dependable numbers. He said that either option could work. He said that <br /> Carrboro approached the County Commissioners about the Smith soccer fields, and he <br /> suggested articulating a proposal or at least some presentation and then deciding whether the <br /> same thing should be done for Chapel Hill. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that this is a great need that has been articulated for a long <br /> time. She wants to get something substantive out of this. <br /> Commissioner Nelson supported Commissioner Jacobs' proposal about how to proceed. <br /> He wants to put something specific in writing to both towns and have the Manager and a Board <br /> of County Commissioners' member to be there to answer questions. Chair Foushee and <br /> Commissioner Pellisier agreed. <br /> Dave Stancil summarized page 22, which listed emerging issues. <br /> Issue Paper <br /> Emerging Issues and Future/Other Topics <br /> February 10, 2009 <br /> During the Board CIP discussions in late 2008, there were several other emerging issues, <br /> CIP additions and future topics for discussion that were identified by the Board. These include: <br /> 1. Timing in the CIP of Bingham Park and Hollow Rock/New Hope Preserve <br /> Some Board members expressed interest in revisiting the timing of these projects in the <br /> recommended CIP. Moving the projects up will require exchanges with other capital <br /> investments in the Plan. <br /> 2. Funding Source for Future Farmstead Stabilization and Renovation at Future Park <br /> Sites <br /> At a previous work session, some Board members identified the need to look at the <br /> appropriate funding source for future stabilization and renovation work at the Twin Creeks and <br /> Blackwood Farm future park sites. <br /> 3. Prioritization of the Mountains to Sea Trail for Lands Legacy Program <br /> Agreement on the trail corridor, and prioritization of the MST project for the Lands Legacy <br /> Program is needed, and will be programmed for a future Board discussion. <br /> 4. Future Use of Remaining Lands Legacy Bond Funds <br /> The possibility of additional flexibility in the use of Lands Legacy 2001 bond funds (if issued as <br /> alternative financing) was noted by Board members at a recent meeting. This discussion may <br /> also include consistency with the 2001 bond educational materials. This topic would also be <br /> scheduled for a subsequent worksession. <br />