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Commissioner Gordon asked where this would be and Laura Blackmon said that it <br /> would be where the two southernmost soccer fields are. This is very preliminary. It would be a <br /> multi-functional facility. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that this is exciting, but she is worried about the <br /> infrastructure costs. <br /> Clarifying questions of the County Commissioners were answered by staff. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the MI Homes proposal was in abeyance and Dave <br /> Stancil said yes. He asked if Carrboro had any kind of "exactment" that it makes from a <br /> developer to provide this kind of infrastructure. Dave Stancil said that there was a bond <br /> provision, but he does not know if there is some flexibility prior to pursuing the subdivision. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that if Orange County was going to be providing <br /> infrastructure and then a developer would come in and put in a subdivision and not contribute, <br /> he would like to talk to Carrboro about some way to recoup some of the public cost from the <br /> developer. Another way to look at it would be that the recreational partners could put in the <br /> road and then Orange County could pay them back over the course of time. He said that <br /> CHCCS did want a gymnasium on this site, but Carrboro was not interested in participating <br /> financially. This would be a way to meet a need articulated by the school system. He said that <br /> the worst thing he could say about this is that it would be a traffic problem. He wants to be up <br /> front about the traffic issues and how to address them. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she sees this proposal as creating a regional <br /> destination. She said that the realities of developing this are that road improvements would <br /> not be a reality for a long time. She asked about the pros and cons of the Millhouse property <br /> as a possible location. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she does not know the history of this project. In <br /> addition, she feels uncomfortable because the master plan says one thing, and this proposal is <br /> something not in the master plan. She said that no one has raised the issue about daycare in <br /> this proposal. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the purpose of this item tonight was to see if there was <br /> interest in a more formal presentation later. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that the road issue is one of the key things here and <br /> Carrboro's interest is to keep two-lane roads, and he is worried that this would be walking into <br /> opposition with the Town of Carrboro. He said that the other question is about privatizing <br /> recreation in Orange County and how far the County should go with this. He does not want to <br /> back into it, but he wants to talk about it. He asked if staff had talked to anyone in Carrboro <br /> yet and Dave Stancil said that he mentioned it today when he met with Carrboro staff, but <br /> there has been no reaction. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the master plan should be discussed further before <br /> moving forward with this. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier agreed with the concern about privatization. She said that she <br /> would want to know what type of jobs this project would create. She wants to talk about <br /> privatizing in general. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested getting a copy of the master plan, inviting John Stock <br /> to come and talk to the Board, and following up with pros and cons of privatization as well as <br /> the pros and cons of different sites. <br /> Chair Foushee asked if the Board wanted a presentation from John Stock and <br /> Recreation Partners and there was Board consensus to do this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said to get Carrboro involved in this very early. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said to ask the Manager to send a letter to the Carrboro <br /> Manager about this, inviting the Board of Aldermen to the meeting. <br />