Orange County NC Website
—Add text to Zoning Ordinance regarding hypothetical "Upper Eno above McGowan Creek" <br /> reservoir, or <br /> —Delete Critical Area associated with this reservoir from overlay on maps <br /> —Additionally, text should be added to the Zoning Ordinance to specifically protect a %2 mile <br /> buffer from the centerline of the Upper Eno River and Seven Mile Creek <br /> •Recent developments in other jurisdictions suggest the County should take the map changes <br /> through the formal procedure to amend the Land Use Element Map and the Zoning Atlas <br /> •Amend the Critical Area watershed overlay district boundaries on the Land Use Element Map <br /> and Zoning Atlas <br /> •Notification in accordance with Article 20 of the Zoning Ordinance <br /> Suggesting placement on the February 2010 Quarterly Public Hearing agenda <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked that when staff looks at areas to be added to the primary <br /> service area, if it includes most if not all of the area that is going to be removed from the Water <br /> Quality Critical Area. He does not understand why the area that is east of the 85/70 connector <br /> is being suggested for removal from the primary service area. <br /> Perdita Holtz said that the existing County plans (the Land Use Element map and the <br /> small area plan) do not contemplate anything other than AR in that area east of the connector. <br /> Discussion ensued about utilities. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that it does not make sense to him that they would allow <br /> utilities on one side of the road and not the other. <br /> Craig Benedict said that one of the reasons for that is that the land use plan did not <br /> show an urbanizing area on one side of the road. The actual boundary agreement was not in <br /> sync with the land use plan, so some of the corrections are to make it in sync with the land use <br /> plan. Regarding the 70/85 connector, he said that it would be difficult to service because it is <br /> flowing farther east towards the Eno and not towards the Efland area. He said that this area <br /> will be highlighted as a decision point. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that it looks like most of the acreage proposed to be taken <br /> out is not within the Efland-Mebane SAP except the portion in the critical watershed. She <br /> asked if this was not in the SAP because it was in the critical watershed and Craig Benedict <br /> said yes and that the County did not designate any areas of urban growth if it was in a critical <br /> area. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he thought that the 70 expressway was used as a <br /> dividing line and just east of the soccer center could not be a service area due to gravity. He <br /> said that it looks as if it was added back. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there is a super regional lift station that Mebane has installed <br /> and this will be able to handle a lot of sewage flow and development in this service area. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about Attachments 4 and 5. He said that it looks like the <br /> Tree Creek and Rocky Run that flow directly into Seven Mile Creek and the Eno River are not <br /> going to be protected. <br /> Craig Benedict said that it is still the intent to protect these areas. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that if this is going to public hearing, it may confuse people <br /> and he would hope that what they just discussed would be reflected in the maps. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that it is not clear what the specific changes are that are <br /> being proposed. She asked that the maps in the attachments be made clearer. <br />