Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs acknowledged what a great success this program has been and <br /> 2 he commended the staff of DEAPR. He said that he is supportive of the direction regarding <br /> 3 the limited resources, but the Bingham Township Park is the last park from the 21-year old <br /> 4 master plan. He would like Dave Stancil to work with the Manager about whether or not staff <br /> 5 can update the master plan internally as far as payment-in-lieu funds. He said that it would be <br /> 6 good to put something on the website about the status of some of these properties. He said <br /> 7 that he would also like to engage partners in talking about conserving their own water supplies <br /> 8 instead of Orange County doing it all. The City of Raleigh is the only entity that is working with <br /> 9 Orange County in trying to protect the Upper Neuse. He would like to take a more proactive <br /> 10 stance in this. <br /> 11 Commissioner Hemminger agreed with Commissioner Jacobs on discussing the <br /> 12 updating of the master plan. <br /> 13 Frank Clifton said that staff may be able to provide an annual update for this master <br /> 14 plan and pick apart the areas that can be targeted as priorities. <br /> 15 Commissioner Gordon said that the County may be further along than everyone thinks. <br /> 16 There is a coordinated parks plan put together by the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group, <br /> 17 which is fairly recent. <br /> 18 Frank Clifton said that the philosophy of park use has changed in 20 years. <br /> 19 Commissioner Jacobs said that since 1989, the Lands Legacy Program came into <br /> 20 existence, there was an in-depth soccer report, and some of the standards of usage have <br /> 21 changed in regards to soccer. He said that if staff just looked at what has changed and what <br /> 22 the Board has adopted over that period of time, there will be a much more contemporary view <br /> 23 of what the plans are before doing anything too complicated. He pointed out that the most <br /> 24 telling number is that Orange County has protected more than 2,500 acres and the acreage <br /> 25 has cost the taxpayers of Orange County less than $4,000 an acre. <br /> 26 Commissioner Yuhasz said that it is important to provide for the future, but it is equally <br /> 27 or more important to provide for the present with the completion of the current projects and <br /> 28 stewardship of our lands and parks. He said that there is land that the County has purchased <br /> 29 but is still not accessible to the public and he would like to focus on developing the land they <br /> 30 currently own. <br /> 31 Chair Foushee said that she supports the direction that has been given to the Board <br /> 32 but she is more supportive of Commissioner Yuhasz's comments and the amount of land the <br /> 33 County has acquired but has not developed. She said that the public does not know which <br /> 34 properties are accessible to them. <br /> 35 Frank Clifton said that in the past Board of County Commissioners has been <br /> 36 enthusiastic about the Lands Legacy projects, but there has not been enough follow through <br /> 37 on these projects. He said that it is great to pursue a property, but better to be able to tell the <br /> 38 public when a piece of property is going to be open and who will be in charge of it. <br /> 39 Commissioner Gordon encouraged everyone to look back at the coordinated parks <br /> 40 plan. She thinks that it can all come together in a positive way. She congratulated Dave <br /> 41 Stancil and his staff on their work on the Lands Legacy Program in the past ten years. <br /> 42 Dave Stancil said that these topics are the same ones that the staff has been <br /> 43 discussing as well. <br /> 44 Commissioner Hemminger said that she is not sure if an update will be enough to <br /> 45 satisfy grant requirements. She thinks that a new master plan has to be adopted. <br /> 46 Frank Clifton said that staff could bring it forward as an item for the Board to take action <br /> 47 on. <br /> 48 Commissioner Pelissier said that she is proud to serve in a county that has a Lands <br /> 49 Legacy plan. She said that she does not see the agricultural conservation easements as <br />