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2.6.4 The Architect shall be a representative of and shall advise quantity of the Work,(2) reviewed construction means, meth- <br /> and consult with the Owner(1)during construction until final ods, techniques,sequences or procedures,(3)reviewed copies <br /> payment to the Contractor is due, and(2)as an Additional Ser- of requisitions received from Subcontractors and material sup- <br /> vice at the Owner's direction from time to time during the cor- pliers and other data requested by the Owner to substantiate <br /> rection period described in the Contract for Construction.The the Contractor s right to payment or(4)ascertained how or for <br /> Architect shall have authority to act on behalf of the Owner what purpose the Contractor has used monev previously paid <br /> only to the extent provided in this Agreement unless otherwise on account of the Contract Sum. <br /> modified by written instrument. <br /> 2.6.11 The Architect shall have authority to reject Work which <br /> 2.6.5 The Architect shall visit the site at intervals appropriate does not conform to the Contract Documents Whenever the <br /> to the stage of construction or as otherwise agreed by the Architect considers it necessary or advisable for implementa- <br /> Owner and Architect in writing to become generally familiar tion of the intent of the Contract Documents,the Architect will <br /> with the progress and quality of the Work completed and to have authority to require additional inspection or testing of the <br /> determine in general if the Work is being performed in a man- Work in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Docu- <br /> ner indicating that the Work when completed will be in actor- ments, whether or not such Work is fabricated, Installed or <br /> dance with the Contract Documents. However, the Architect completed. However,neither this authority of the Architect nor <br /> shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exer- <br /> inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. On cise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of <br /> the basis of on-site observations as an architect, the Architect the Architect to the Contractor, Subcontractors, material and <br /> shall keep the Owner informed of the progress and quality of equipment suppliers, their agents or employees or other per- <br /> the Work, and shall endeavor to guard the Owner against sons performing portions of the Work. <br /> defects and deficiencies in the Work. (More extensive site <br /> representation may be agreed to as an Additional Service, as 2.6.12 The Architect shall review and approve or take other <br /> described in Paragraph 3 2.) appropriate action upon Contractor's submittals such as Shop <br /> Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the limited <br /> 2.6.6 The Architect shall not have control over or charge of purpose of checking for conformance with information given <br /> and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents <br /> techniques,sequences or procedures,or for safety precautions The Architect's action shall be taken with such reasonable <br /> and programs in connection with the Work, since these are promptness as to cause no delay in the Work or in the con- <br /> solely the Contractor's responsibility under the Contract for struction of the Owner or of separate contractors,while allow- <br /> Construction. The Architect shall not be responsible for the ing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgment to <br /> Contractor's schedules or failure to carry out the Work in actor- permit adequate review Review of such submittals is not con- <br /> dance with the Contract Documents. The Architect shall not ducted for the purpose of determining the accuracN and com- <br /> have control over or charge of acts or omissions of the Contrac- pleteness of other details such as dimensions and quantities or <br /> tor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or of any for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of <br /> other persons performing portions of the Work. equipment or systems designed by the Contractor,all of which <br /> remain the responsibility of the Contractor to the extent <br /> 2.6.7 The Architect shall at all times have access to the Work required by thb Contract Documents. The Architect's revlew <br /> wherever it is in preparation or progress. shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or, unless <br /> otherwise specifically stated by the Architect, of construction <br /> 2.6.8 Except as may otherwise be provided in the Contract means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The <br /> Documents or when direct communications have been spe- Architect's approval of a specific item shall not indicate <br /> cially authorized,the Owner and Contractor shall communicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. <br /> through the Architect Communications by and with the Archi- When professional certification of performance characteristics <br /> sect s consultants shall be through the Architect. of materials,systems or equipment is required by the Contract <br /> Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to relv upon such <br /> 2.6.9 Based on the Architect's observations and evaluations of <br /> the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect shall certification to establish that the materials, systems or equip- <br /> the will meet the performance criteria required b% the Con- <br /> review and certify the amounts due the Contractor tract Documents. <br /> 2.6.10 The Architect's certification for payment shall consti- 2,6,13 The Architect shall prepare Change Orders and Con- <br /> tute a representation to the Owner, based on the Architect's struction Change Directives, with supporting documentation <br /> observations at the site as provided in Subparagraph 2 6 5 and and data if deemed necessary b,, the Architect as provided in <br /> on the data comprising the Contractor's Application for Pa%- Subparagraphs 3 1 1 and 3 3 3, for the Owner s approval and <br /> ment, that the Work has progressed to the point indicated and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents, and <br /> that, to the best of the Architect's knowledge. information and may authorize minor changes in the Work not involving an <br /> belief, quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract <br /> Documents The foregoing representations are subject to an Time which are not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract <br /> e%aluation of the Work for conformance with the Contract Documents <br /> Documents upon Substantial Completion, to results of subse- <br /> quent tests and inspections, to minor deviations from the Con- 2.6.14 The Architect shall conduct inspections to determine <br /> tract Documents correctable prior to completion and to spe- the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of final <br /> cific qualifications expressed h% the Architect The issuance of a completion. Shall receive and forward to the Owner for the <br /> Certificate for Payment shall further constitute a representation Owners review and records written warranties and related <br /> that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certi- documents required hx the Contract Documents and assem- <br /> fied. However, the issuance of a Certificate for Payment shall bled b% the Contractor and shall issue a final Ccrtitit..itc for Pay <br /> not he a representation that the Architect has(1)made exhaus- ment upon compliance with the requirements of the Contract <br /> Live or continuous on-site inspections to check the qualin or Documents <br /> AIA DOCUMENT 8141 •OWNER-ARCHITECT AGREEMENT• FOURTEENTH EDITION•AIAS • C 198- <br /> 3 8141-1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1'35 NEW YORK AVENUE,N W.,WASHINGTON D C 20(AN, <br />