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<br /> I 53:135 issa rlIMl11.A'I'IVE Slll'I'LKMEN'I' §153A-343
<br /> §153A-343 COUNTIES §153A-343
<br /> 153A 335. "Subdivision" defined. • • (b) The first class mail notice required under subsection (a) of
<br /> this section shall not be required in the following situations:
<br /> (1) The total rezoning of all property within the boundaries of I
<br /> 1.orai Mudiftrat' 1'usqustuuk Tsansylvaum el Id Le stricken from g p f Y
<br /> I!I!Ia, 191, s 1. 'r,aoeylvaam. 1991 the male volume a county or a zoning area as defined in G.S. 153A-342
<br /> unless rezoning involves zoning of parcels of land to less
<br /> 114.4 S.•ss 19!r2f, c 972, s 1 By virtue of Session laws 1993,c 195, I g g p
<br /> Ily vu(i.e ul Session lows 1991 Meg a I,Lmwln should be slrpckrn from the
<br /> intense or more restrictive uses. If rezoning involves zon-
<br /> Srv.. 19921,a 91'2, s 3, the eati la, in r of parcels of land to less intense or more restrictive
<br /> y aW/ll volume 6 p._
<br /> S.„In,: laws 1979. c 349 for uses,notification to owners of these parcels shall be made
<br /> by mail in accordance with subsection (a)of this section,
<br /> Part 3 Zoning (2) The z • g is an initial zoning of the entire zoning jurisdic-
<br /> tion area;
<br /> (3) The zoning reclassification action directly affects more than
<br /> I53A-3.10. (:rant of power. - 50 properties,owned by a total of at least 50 different prop-
<br /> erty owners;
<br /> CASE NOTES • • (4) The reclassification is an amendment to the zoning text;or
<br /> (5) The county is adopting a water supply watershed protection
<br /> program as required by G.S. 143-214 5.
<br /> cited m N. I. 'Peer Cu v Orange In any case where this subsection eliminates the notice required by
<br /> l'•audy, MO F' Sapp Ii79 IM U N C subsection(a)of this section,a county shall publish once a week for
<br /> 1992i four successive calendar weeks in a newspaper having general cir-
<br /> culation in the area maps showing the boundaries of the area af-
<br /> 153A-3.11. Purposes in view. fected by the proposed ordinance or amendment.The map shall not
<br /> be less than one-half of a newspaper page in size.The notice shall
<br /> CASE NOTES only be effective for property owners who reside in the area of gen-
<br /> eral circulation of the newspaper which publishes the notice. Prop-
<br /> Appla•d to toungton v Town of erty owners who reside outside of the county's jurisdiction or out-
<br /> Ai.. TUN N C App 2:11,423 S E 2.1 537 side of the newspaper circulation area, according to the address
<br /> 119921 listed on the most recent property tax listings(ilr the affected prop-
<br /> erty,shall be notified by mail pursuant to this section.The person
<br /> 153A-31`2. Districts; zt.uing less than entire juris• or persons mailing the notices shall certify to the board of commis-
<br /> sioners that fact,and the certificates shall be deemed conclusive in
<br /> (11(atoll. the absence of fraud. In addition to the published notice,a county
<br /> shall post one or more prominent signs immediately adjacent to the
<br /> CASE NOTES subject area reasonably calculated to give public notice of the pro-
<br /> posed rezoning.(1973,c.822,s. 1; 1985,c.595,s. 1; 1987,c. 807,s.
<br /> •.g Map Requirement. This of the area Items zoned and a full teat of 2; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 19901, c. 980, s. 2; 1993, c. 469, s. 2.) '
<br /> er,t does not ,.•quire the county to the coning ordinance zoned are requl,ed.
<br /> have a nnuug map Inc the entire c ty Friszelle v Harnett County, 106 N C Local Modification.—Session Laws dinance for adoption of amendments to
<br /> alien 01/.11.1,11V1.n 01/.11.1,1101/.11.1,11V1.Is to implement 2141- App 234,416 S E 2.1 421,cert denied, 1993,c.271,a.1(repealed effective Jun- the zoning ordinance The urdinuuce I
<br /> lag on a1,air.,by:uc.,Lasts,only a map 332 N C 147, 419 S E 2d 571 119921 uary I,1995 except for Forsyth and mu- may provide for different dates of uppli-
<br /> niclpelities located therein by Session cability based on the stage of the zoning
<br /> l.awa 1993,c. 469,a 4(a)) classification action on the effective§ 153A-3-13. Method of procedure. •
<br /> Editor's Note. — date.
<br /> la) The board of coulnu ssioners shall,in accordance with the pro- Session I awa 1993, c 469, which "If the city or county is subject to a
<br /> vls s al his Article,provide for the Instiller in which zoning 1'egll- • 1 • amended this section.in so 5 and 6 pro- local act repealed by Section 3 of this
<br /> Lit restrictions and restrlclns and the IwunJ:u•ies of zoning districts shall
<br /> vides: act,the ordinance prevails over some or
<br /> "Sec.5 pal Tina act becomes effective all of the local act d the ordinance so
<br /> Is. determined, established, and enforced, and from tune to time
<br /> amended,supplemented,or changed 'T'be procedures adopted pin- January 1, 1994.except that as to any provides.
<br /> he
<br /> 111 this sect ion shall provide that whenever there is a zoning city or county, It becomes tn effective at "ILC'I'his sect" does not apply M Ma-
<br /> i-Maul action Involving a parcel of land, the owner of that of thin between January to of ratification the syt6 County or municipalities loculnl
<br /> parcel of land as shown on the county tax listing,and the owners of of this act and January 1, 1994 if the cal Set that county
<br /> I city or county,as appropriate,adopts an "Sec 6 tat This act becomes effective
<br /> till pturcls ul laud abutting that parcel of land as shown on the
<br /> comity lax listing,shall he mailed a notice of the proposed cl.s581I1-
<br /> ordinance placing it into effect at such January 1,1995 as to Forsyth County or
<br /> cation b first class mail at the last addresses listed for such owners earlier date Adoption pl of such ordinance any municipality et becomes located within at that
<br /> Y is subject to the plocrJurul requite- county,but it l.ecunlen ellictive ul any
<br /> oil the clumpy has abstracts The pet-sut1 or persons mailing such menta of OS I60A-364 or (;S. time between the date of ratification of
<br /> •3h ices slid II certify to the Board of Cllllllllussiuners that fact, and 153A 323,as app,opruae,but not to any this act and January I. 1995 If the u,u•
<br /> .'h eel ill Julie shall be deemed conclusive in the absence of fraud. procedulul requirement of the[oumg or ulclpallty or Forsyth County,as p98 • f • 99
<br />