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020 <br /> Failure to meet the criteria for site plan approval listed in Article 14.3, to address <br /> agency comments solicited during the plan review process, and/or to adhere to the <br /> design standards applicable within Economic Development Districts will result in <br /> denial of a development application. In such cases, the development plans will be <br /> returned to the applicant with a written explanation of the reasons for denial and the <br /> changes required for the application to be approved. <br /> An applicant shall have the option of revising the development plans to comply with <br /> the site plan and design criteria As an alternative, the applicant may also submit the <br /> plans for the review and approval of the Planning Board and Board of County <br /> Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of <br /> Dirge Article 14.3 Site Plan Review. <br /> b) MR*Developments <br /> A 'mayor deueloprmaet' is defined as a principal use where the floor area of the <br /> proposed development is 20,000 square feet or more,and the area of disturbed laru4- <br /> i.e.,resulting in a change in the natural cover or topography,is 40,000 square feet or <br /> more. <br /> Before any 'major dwdopmenenuW be undertaken in an Economic Development <br /> District;a Site Plan must be appnxied by the Board of Commissioners in accordmwe <br /> with the provisions of Article 14.3(Site Plan Review)of this Ordinances <br /> 2. Amend Article 14.3 - Site Plan Review by adding a new subsection, Article 14.3.4, to read as follows: <br /> 14.3.4 Be,fare any'mayor d wdopment'mad►be undertaken in an Economic D&x&Wment District;the site plan <br /> must be submitted to the Planning Board for recommaedam n and the Board of Commissioners for <br /> aWu?aL Any such %Vhcafton, including the analysis and recommendation of the Planning Staff, <br /> shall be submitted to the Planning Board at the first regular meeting after the expiration of the 21-daffy <br /> period speeifed in Article M32 or any cdension thereof: The Planning Board shall,within 30 days <br /> of receipt of the Planning Staff recommendation,prepare and submit for the Board of Commissioners <br /> a recommendation concerning the disposition of the application. <br /> In making its decision, the Board of Commissioners may: <br /> a. Approve the application as submitle <br /> b. Approve the application ion subject to conditions;or <br /> C. Deny the application. <br /> Failure to meet the criteria for site plan approval listed in Article 14.3.1, to meet the perf+wmance <br /> standards and design crietena for Ewn amic Development Districts in Article 6.29,and/or to address <br /> again►comments solicited during plan review are grounds for denial of de appUca"L <br /> ORDINANCE REVIEW COMUI TEE REVIEW: March 29, 1994 <br /> PLANNING BOARD REVIEW: <br /> BOCC REVIEW: <br />