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DEFINING AGRICULTURAL PRIORITIES <br /> In a purchase of development rights program where participation is voluntary, a LESA system <br /> does not determine who will offer to sell his/her development rights or how many. Neither does it <br /> guar tee that once an offer is made to the seller that he/she will accept it. The advantage of Having a <br /> LES system is that it provides a tool to aid in decision-making, e.g,which development rights to acquire. <br /> For purchase of development rights program, it can be used, as Forsyth County has, to rank individual <br /> f and assign priorities in acquiring such rights. It may also be used to identify important farmlands <br /> and target" potential agricultural districts. <br /> Identifying Agricultural Priority Areas. The first level at which a LESA system is useful is <br /> for general planning purposes; e.g., identifying the most productive land for farm and forest use. Using <br /> Bing Township as a case study, the location and relative values for each agricultural and forest land <br /> grow were combined using the County's geographic information system. For example, the relative value <br /> of cultural Group#1 is 100 (Table 2.2.3)while the relative value of Forest Land Group#2 is 91 (Table <br /> 2.2.1 ). The combined value of the two soil groups is thus 191. <br /> j Of 70 possible combinations of relative value scores(10 agricultural groups x 7 forest groups), only <br /> 19 wSre found to exist. The composite scores were then grouped into three priority categories - critical, <br /> high, and moderate - based on their distribution and the soil chz..-acteristics associated with each. The <br /> composite scores as well as the priority categories are shown on Table 2.2.29. The land coverages <br /> ass fated with these categories have been mapped on Figure 2.2.16, illustrating where priorities should <br /> be signed if important farm and forest lands are to be preserved in Bingham Township. However, the <br /> map oes not indicate whether such lands are located in rural subdivisions or in association with farms and <br /> ed forest tracts. <br /> Based on parcel data from the Orange County Land Records Office, Figure 2.2.17 shows the <br /> locat on of the boundaries of lots and tracts in the township. Properties in single ownership comprised of <br /> 100 res or more in size and participating in the Preferential Assessment/Deferred Taxation Program are <br /> also 'ghlighted. Where such tracts are contiguous, they have been combined to identify "critical masses" <br /> of farm and forest land. In addition, public and university-owned lands have been denoted. Finally, soil <br /> groups which fall into the "critical" priority category have been plotted. <br /> The resulting map narrows the focus of planning efforts by identifying large tracts of land in farm <br /> and forest use where the most productive soils exist. In this sense, the focus shifts from a resource to a <br /> geog aphic orientation and assists in defining broad conservation areas comprised of public lands, farms, <br /> and rests within which rural subdivisions may co-exist. <br /> Ranking Farmland.The second level at which a LESA system is useful is in evaluating specific <br /> tract in farm and forest use. By combining the land evaluation and site assessment scores derived in the <br /> prec ding sections, an overall agricultural significance rating for individual farms may be obtained. To <br /> illust ate this use of the LESA system, scoring sheets for each of the 12 study farms have been provided <br /> in A pendix G and the results summarized in Table 2.2.31. The table provides two different sets of <br /> agric tural significance scores and rankings, with the difference resulting from the number or points <br /> awar ed for farm distance from an urban area. <br /> Table 2.2.30 illustrates the shift in ranking when more points are awarded to farms closest to <br /> urb: 1 areas. As shown in that table, there is no change in ranking for one-fourth of the farms, and half <br /> the = is- shift only one position. In only one instance, the Hogan farm, does the ranking change <br /> 'y ' ,cantly, enabling that farm to rise from eleventh to fifth position. <br /> 2.2.39 <br />