Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Historical Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange County - Candace Midgett, <br /> Whitney Watson, <br /> Gabriel Delgadillo, <br /> Jamiyah Brigman, <br /> lsbah Neit, Neftaly, <br /> Eli Morales, Jessica <br /> Tinka Jordy - NOT AVAILABLE <br /> Michael Roy Layne from Legacyworks Michael Roy Layne <br /> attending from <br /> Legacyworks <br /> McDougle Elementary School PTA - Siobhan Colgan <br /> North Carolina Symphony Society, Inc. - Lisa Ransom <br /> One Song Productions - Anna LeDuc <br /> Peoples Channel - Carson Riedel <br /> Phillips Middle School PTSA - Alyse Levine & <br /> Cristina Smith <br /> Triangle Weavers - Ruth Ann Ross, Lori <br /> Rhodes, Janice Kohl <br /> Susie Wilde - NOT AVAILABLE <br /> Women's Voices Chorus, Inc. - Shelley Hedtke <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs to <br /> acknowledge the local recipients of the Arts Grants. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Cedar Grove Community Center Update <br /> The Board received a progress report on the Cedar Grove Community Center project. <br /> Jeff Thompson, Asset Management Services Director, said he is here tonight with <br /> David Stancil, Department of Agriculture, Environment, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) <br /> Director, and David Caldwell, Orange County Community Center Coordinator. He said the <br /> purpose of the presentation is to update the Board on this project, introduce David Caldwell, <br /> and provide an update on community center outreach and program development. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the Cedar Grove Community Center is a 30,000 square foot center <br /> featuring several flexible, multipurpose rooms, an Internet café, a quite room, art and heritage <br /> display areas, a multimedia room, and exercise areas and is 90% complete. He said the <br /> construction is currently focused on interior finishes. He said the exterior landscaping and <br /> parking areas are complete and the library kiosk and the bus shelter will be installed in the <br /> coming weeks. He said a ribbon cutting will take place in the spring. He introduced David <br /> Caldwell. <br /> David Caldwell said he is glad to be here. He said he is looking forward to being the <br /> Community Center Coordinator for the community centers in Orange County. He said it is a <br /> pleasure to work at Orange County. <br /> Chair McKee said the Cedar Grove community is excited to have David Caldwell <br /> serving in this new position and to be working with him going forward. <br /> Commissioner Rich said David Caldwell was a recipient of the citizen of the year award <br /> at the MLK Banquet for his community work. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin welcomed David Caldwell and noted the County's fortune at <br /> having him serve in this position. <br />