Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> advertisement, and authorized the Chair to sign the Order setting the lien sale advertisement <br /> date for March 23, 2016. <br /> f. Orange County Arts Commission DCP Renewal with NC Arts Council <br /> The Board authorized the Orange County Arts Commission (OCAC) and staff to apply by the <br /> March 1, 2016 deadline for annual Designated County Partner (DCP) renewal with the NC Arts <br /> Council in order to receive state Grassroots Program funds for Orange County. <br /> g. Resolution Endorsing Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant Agreement <br /> with the NCDOT <br /> The Board approved the resolution, which is incorporated by reference, of project agreement <br /> between Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and <br /> authorized the County Manager to sign the agreement. <br /> h. Request for a 1.0 FTE Time Limited Position to Assist in the New Land Management <br /> Central Permitting Software Implementation Program (LMCP) <br /> The Board created a new 1.0 FTE (full time equivalent) time limited position in the Health <br /> Department and to transfer an existing 0.5 FTE position from Health to Planning and <br /> Inspections, thereby these positons to backfill the duties of existing staff who will be involved <br /> in implementing the new Land Management Central Permitting (LMCP) Software. <br /> i. Changes in BOCC Regular Meeting Schedule for 2016 <br /> The Board made changes to the Board of Commissioners' regular meeting calendar for 2016, <br /> changing the designations of the May 12th and May 26th BOCC meetings and to change the <br /> location of the May 19th meeting: May 12th — Budget Public Hearing at Whitted Building, <br /> Hillsborough, NC (this was originally scheduled as a Budget Work Session); May 19th- Budget <br /> Public Hearing at Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill (this was originally scheduled <br /> to be at the Whitted Building); May 26th- Budget Work Session — CIP (this was originally <br /> scheduled as a Budget Public Hearing). <br /> 7. Regular Agenda <br /> a. Rogers Road Sewer Project Easements <br /> The Board considered: 1. Authorizing County Staff to accept and acquire the private <br /> easements required to construct and maintain the Rogers Road Sewer Project by negotiation, <br /> purchase or condemnation, if necessary; 2. Authorizing the payment of negotiated easement <br /> value to individual property owners, within the project budget; 3. Authorizing the County <br /> Attorney's office to proceed with legal acquisition of utility easements with court filing, as <br /> necessary; and 4. Authorizing staff to bring back a budget amendment within the parameters <br /> outlined above to cover the cost of acquiring easements for this project. <br /> Travis Myren reviewed the following information: <br /> The County has been working with the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill, and with the <br /> Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) to design and construct a sewer collection <br /> system to serve the Rogers Road neighborhood. The County is leading the effort to obtain the <br /> private easements needed for construction and future maintenance of the sewer collection <br /> system. At this point in the design process, the alignment of the sewer system has been <br /> tentatively established and the design firm is in the process of creating easement plats for <br /> each property noted in Attachment 1. The proposed sewer line is approximately 18,500 linear <br /> feet. <br /> In anticipation of this easement acquisition effort, County Staff set up an information <br /> meeting for community members, which was held on December 8, 2015. The meeting was <br /> held to explain to the community the purpose of an easement, and the practical implications of <br />