Orange County NC Website
<br />SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: <br />NO.,TE Carrf7plete-~th7s infirr~z~t:Fto~~ ONLY.' <br />~•` /j~~~ou'are .~VOT.przrficiputin;, i~r nc~ Jurrnj~rc.ti'c~lr u.~~c ru.r~tliun pragrghr; UR <br />• IJ }~nti do NOT hrtve`tiPlrcrt orc file x~it/r rhe,_1'unrrul Tesorn'ecs Co~r~en~urion Sen~ic~e ur The :A'C <br />h~oresi 5eri~ice.; <br />1. How long have you owned your farm? years <br />2. How long have you lived on your farm? years <br />3. Has your farm exceeded $1,000 in gross income in each of the past three years? <br />Yes No <br />4. How many acres on your farm are under cultivation? acres <br />5. What are the major crops that you plant each year? <br />6. How many acres on your farm are used for pasture? acres <br />