Orange County NC Website
1 ,. .:1,..4,7;i,1 :3 . ' if '.r4.4,,,,.., ,,,,,,•„ ._, , _ . , . . , <br /> . . . . <br /> ,. ,„,„„.„,,. • . 7„,,4. .7 luort,t,t I. . <br /> it <br /> fil <br /> s <br /> t .ti.:,; ,,It it,1,,,,, . ... .i,„_: . • ,. <br /> • <br /> *153A-335 1993 CUMULATIVE SUPPLEMENT §153A-343 <br /> $153A-393 COUNTIES 9153A•343 <br /> § I53A-335. "Subdivision" defined. • • (b) The first class mail notice required under subsection (a) of <br /> this section shall not be required in the following situations: <br /> lament Modifical' . - I'usquatenk. Transylvania should be stricken from (1) The total rezoning of all property within the boundaries of <br /> 149:1, c 191, a I, Transylvama. 1991 the maul volume. <br /> Unless rezoning involves a county or a zoning area as defined in (I S. 153A-342 <br /> ie.* Se s, 19921,c 97'2, s I the virtue of Session Laws 1993,c 195, vas zoning of parcels of land to less i <br /> by vutur ul tiessum Laws 1991 11I41 I.Lincoln*tumid be stricken from the intense or more restrictive uses. If rezoning involves zone <br /> S.•is, 19921,c 972. s 3, the they for main volume, ing of parcels of land to less intense or more restrictive <br /> s.,,, 1979. c. 349 fur uses,notification to owners of these parcels shall be made <br /> by mail in accordance with subsection (a)of this section; <br /> Part 3. Zoning. (2) The zo • g is an initial zoning of the entire zoning jurisdic- <br /> tion area; <br /> (3) The zoning reclassification action directly affects more than <br /> Q 153A-340. (;rant of power. 50 properties,owned by a total of at least 50 different prop- <br /> erty owners; <br /> CASE NOTES • • (4) The reclassification is an amendment to the zoning text;or <br /> (5) The county is adopting a water supply watershed protection <br /> ('ilea in N.dle I 'firer Cu v Orange program as required by G.S. 143-214.5. <br /> Cconly, 610 F Stipp 679 IM(INC In any case where this subsection eliminates the notice required by <br /> 19921 subsection(a)of this section,a county shall publish once a week for <br /> four successive calendar weeks in a newspaper having general cir- <br /> culation in the area maps showing the boundaries of the area af- <br /> 153A-311. Purposes in view. fected by the proposed ordinance or amendment.The map shall not ' <br /> be less than one-half of a newspaper page in size.The notice shall <br /> CASE NOTES only be effective for property owners who reside in the area of gen- <br /> eral circulation of the newspaper which publishes the notice. Prop- <br /> Appli.•.1 in Cu.ington v Town of erty owners who reside outside of the county's jurisdiction or out- <br /> Ap.w,104 N C App 231,423 S E 24 5:17 side of the newspaper circulation area, according to the address <br /> 119921 listed on the most recent property tax listing for the affected prop- <br /> erty,shall be notified by mail pursuant to this section.The person <br /> 4 153A-3.12. Districts; znuing less than entire juris or persons mailing the notices shall certify to the board of commis- <br /> sioners that fact,and the certificates shall be deemed conclusive in <br /> diction• the absence of fraud. In addition to the published notice,a county <br /> shall post one or more prominent signs immediately adjacent to the <br /> CASE NOTES subject area reasonably calculated to give public notice of the pro- <br /> posed rezoning.(1973,c.822,s. 1;1985,c.595,s. 1; 1987,c.807,s. <br /> MI -.g Map Requirement. -- This of the area being zoned and a full text of 2 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c.di 980, s. 2.' 1993, c. 469, s. 2.) ' <br /> ms sort I.quire the county to the Looking ordinance zoned are required. <br /> have a' g nap for the entire county Frixzelle v llarnett County, 106 N C. <br /> when its objective is to inapkuuut zun- App 234,41ti S E 24 421,earl denied, local Modification.-Session Laws tisane for adoption of amendments to <br /> nag on au ulna by met basis,only a map 332 N C. 147,419 S E.'24 571 ((992). 1993,c.271,s 1(repealed effective Jan- the zoning ordinance The ordinance i <br /> wry 1,1895 except for Forsyth and mu- may provide for different dates of appli- <br /> nicipalitiea located therein by Session cabilily based on the stage of the zoning <br /> D 1.53A 3.13. Method of procedure. Laws 1993,c. 469.a. 4(a).) classification action tin the effective ' <br /> Editor's Note. - dale. <br /> (a) The(ward of commissioners shall,in accordance with the pro- Session laws 1993, C. 469, which "If the city or county is subject to a <br /> visions of this Article,provide for the manner in which zoning regU• I • amended this section,in ss.6 and 6 pro. local act repealed by Section 3 of this <br /> barons and restrictions and the boundaries of zoning districts shall <br /> i I vides: act,the ordinance prevails over some or <br /> be determined, established, and enforced, sail front time to time "Sec.5.(al This act becomes effective all of the local act if the ordinance so <br /> amended,supplemented,or changed The procedures adopted par- January I, 1994,except that as to any provides <br /> su:wl to this section shall provide that whenever there is a zoning city or county, it heroines effective at "(,)This section does not apply to For- <br /> l'1:15sihict1111111 action involving a parcel of land, the owner Uf that <br /> any time between the date of ratification within County or municipalities located <br /> ii trcel of laud as shown on the county tax listing,and the owners of of this act and January I, 1994 if the wuhm tbt county <br /> city or county,as appropriate,adopts an "Sec tat This act becomes effective <br /> all parcels of land abutting that parcel of land as shown on the 6 placing <br /> county tax listing,shall be mailed a notice of the proposed elassili- p g it into i,rh ordinance ul such Joy uiiu 1,t995 na la ated lh thin it er <br /> t alton by first class mail at the last addresses lister for such owner earlier dale.A(he pi of such require. ally umuicnIt bas toasted within that <br /> till the county tax abstracts The person or persons mailing such is subject to the procedural S county,but t heroines effective at any <br /> 3l ices shall certify lo the Hoard of Cunuuissioners that fact, and meats of (1 S 160A- 64 or C S tune between the date of ratification of <br /> Y 153A-323,as appropriate,but nut to any this act and January 1, 1995 if the mu- <br /> .), di certificate shall be deemed conclusive in the absence of fraud. prucedui id requirement of the zonI,ig or uicipality ur Forsyth County,as appao- <br /> 1i W <br /> 98 • • 99 t O <br /> . 1 <br /> , arm <br />