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5/23/94 Public Hearing Minutes <br /> 5 23 <br /> Jay Zaragosa said that although he has not had the opportunity to <br /> read the document, he operates the open space program for Wake County and thus <br /> has some knowledge about open space. He feels a big challenge is to define <br /> open space. In Wake County it is essentially land that is not developable and <br /> the amount can be as high as 70% He urged the Board to carefully monitor the <br /> formation of homeowners associations, including the provisions for maintaining <br /> open space areas. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 48 of the agenda packet <br /> which amends Article 4.3 of the Zoning Ordinance Permitted Use Table to add <br /> the Open Space Development District and which includes a list of permitted <br /> uses within that zoning district. She asked that the Planning Board consider <br /> using the same list of uses for the Open Space Development District as are <br /> permitted in R-1 and R-2 districts and that all uses be included. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 49, Section 6.30.1 (a-1) which <br /> states that a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the total tract area shall <br /> be designated as common open space and asked that the Planning Board consider <br /> whether that percentage should be increased to 50 or something inbetween. <br /> MOTION <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Wilihoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to refer the proposed amendments to the Planning Board for a <br /> recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than <br /> August 8, 1994 and that the recommended revisions to the proposals be reviewed <br /> by the County Attorney to insure compliance with statutory requirements <br /> concerning public hearing procedures and that all evidence received at the May <br /> 5, 1994 public hearing pertaining to this topic be entered into the record of <br /> this public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> OTHER ZONING ATLAS ENDMEN S <br /> a. Z-2-94 Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br /> Jim Hinkley presented for public comments a proposed Zoning <br /> Atlas amendment in Bingham Township requested by Orange Water and Sewer <br /> Authority. The property in question is situated in the northwest quadrant of <br /> NC 54 and Orange Grove Road and consists of a 68.4 acre tract owned by Orange <br /> Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) . The current zoning is AR Agricultural- <br /> Residential. The proposed zoning is AS Agricultural Service. The requested <br /> rezoning has been initiated to accommodate the construction of a wastewater <br /> biosolids (sludge) storage facility required of OWASA by the State of North <br /> Carolina. This rezoning would also allow for future facilities for recycling <br /> sludge. They plan to construct one large tank and then a second one for <br /> additional storage. <br /> QUESTIONS/COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR <br /> PLANNING BOARD <br /> Commissioner Wilihoit made reference to composting the sludge and asked <br /> if this would be a permitted use or one which would require a conditional use <br /> permit. Jim Hinkley indicated that composting sludge as a service for a <br /> bonafide farm would be a permitted use. However, composting sludge for other <br /> uses in the County than farms may require a conditional use permit but he was <br />