Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 4. The Local Government shall review all proposed nominations to the 4 <br /> National Register of Historic Places within its jurisdiction pursuant <br /> to the Act and according to the procedures in the Guidelines, which <br /> are incorporated by reference into this Agreement, and Part II of this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 5. For purposes of evaluation, the Local Government shall submit <br /> triennially to the Division a report on the activities of the <br /> Commission containing the items listed in the Guidelines and any <br /> others which the Division shall require. The Division shall inform <br /> the local government of the results of its review of the report in <br /> writing. The report shall be submitted by October 1 of the year in <br /> which it is required. <br /> 6. The Division shall perform annual monitoring of the Local Government <br /> to assure that it continues to meet the standards contained in the <br /> Guidelines and is satisfactorily performing its responsibilities. <br /> Monitoring may include periodic telephone conversations, requests for <br /> specific written materials, on-site visits and other materials which <br /> may be required to sufficiently evaluate the CLG' s yearly activities. <br /> 7. If. the Division' s yearly or triennial review indicates that terms of_ <br /> this Agreement and addenda are not being met., or that the Local <br /> Government no longer meets the standards contained in the Guidelines, <br /> or that its performance of the responsibilities outlined in the <br /> Guidelines and this Agreement is not satisfactory. the Division shall <br /> notify the Local Government in writing that it risks losing <br /> ��. certification. The Division shall document the assessment that the <br /> Local Government' s performance is inadequate and recommend steps to <br /> bring the Local Government' s performance up to a satisfactory level. <br /> 8. The Local Government shall have a period of not less than 30 nor more <br /> than 180 days to make improvements. If the Division determines that <br /> sufficient improvement has not occurred within the time prescribed by <br /> the Division, the Division may recommend decertification of the Local <br /> Government to the Secretary of the Interior, citing specific reasons <br /> for the recommendation. If the Secretary does not object to the <br /> Division' s recommendation within 30 working days of receipt, the <br /> decertification shall be considered approved by the Secretary This <br /> F Agreement, and certification of the cited Local Government, shall <br /> become void 30 days following notification in writing to said Local <br /> Government of the Division's recommendation to the Secretary, unless <br /> otherwise notified by the Secretary or the Division. <br /> 9. If the Local Government is decertified, it may immediately request <br /> recertification. However, the Local Government shall lose eligibility <br /> to apply for the matching funds set aside for certified local <br /> governments during the grant cycle following decertification, whether <br /> or not its recertification request is approved. <br /> 10. The Division may delegate, by mutual written agreement with the Local <br /> Government, further responsibilities to the Commission. The Local <br /> Government may petition for the Commission to assume greater <br /> \ responsibility for preparation of National Register nominations, <br /> environmental review, and review of Tax Act certification applications <br /> J providing the Commission has sufficient staff meeting the professional <br /> qualifications contained in the appendix to the Guidelines. Any <br /> delegation of further responsibilities to the Commission shall be made <br /> as an addendum to this Agreement. <br />