Orange County NC Website
VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION--CONSENT AGENDA <br /> (Any item may be removed for separate consideration) <br /> A. 1993-94 Annual Settlement <br /> B. Phases 2 & 3 Section II Sunset Ridge <br /> Subdivision--Preliminary Plan <br /> C. Mt . Willing' s Summit--Preliminary Plan <br /> D. Bid Award--Sheriff' s Department Service Weapons <br /> E. Change in Meeting Schedule <br /> F. Appointments <br /> G. Minutes <br /> H. Jail Inspection Report <br /> I . Renewal Application for Elderly & Disabled/ <br /> Medicaid Transportation Assistance Program <br /> J. Renewal Application for Rural General Public <br /> Transportation Program <br /> K. Memorandum Renewal with North State Legal Services <br /> L. Property Tax Refunds <br /> M. Historic Preservation Ordinance Amendment Article 4-- <br /> (New) Procedures for Reviewing Proposed Nominations <br /> to the National Register of Historic Places <br /> N. Tupelo Ridge, Phase One--Preliminary Plan <br /> O. Southern Small Area Plan Rezoning <br /> P. Crisis Intervention Team <br /> Q. Z-2-94 Orange Water and Sewer Authority--Zoning <br /> Atlas Amendment <br /> R. Hyconeechee Regional Library Contract Agreement <br /> Renewal <br /> S. Establishing Cable TV Public Hearing Date for <br /> Franchise Renewal and Cable TV Rate Regulations <br /> T. Resolution for Farmland Preservation Bond Application <br /> (Added Item) <br /> IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments-- <br /> Economic Development District Locational Criteria <br /> B. Public Hearing Notice--August 22, 1994 Quarterly <br /> Public Hearing <br /> C. Proposed Subdivision Regulations Text Amendment- <br /> -Private Road Justification Criteria <br /> D. Proposed Subdivision Regulation Text Amendment- <br /> Approval of Minor Subdivisions with Public Roads <br /> E. Danny Settlemyre--Partial Width Right-of-Way <br /> X. REPORTS <br /> A. Report--Purchase of Development Rights Program <br /> B. Report--Civil Rights Specialist Position <br /> XI. APPOINTMENTS <br /> XII. MINUTES <br /> XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Litigation <br /> XIV. ADJOURNMENT <br /> Note : If you want to know what is on the agenda each time, call <br /> 732-8181, extension 2135 for a recording. <br />