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22 <br /> -��` � � _•' •Vii.. � <br /> i <br /> t <br /> ,6 <br /> Most older small-town roads in New England are 18 feet wide and have worked well. <br /> tectural w,les. Typicalh. such regula- est. at the time owners sell their cluster ordinances typically prohibit <br /> tions set an upper limit on the number house. Unpaid dues cloud the title and further subdivision of the parcel. <br /> of dwellings per building (four. for effectively pre%ent resales. some ordinances provide for an added <br /> example) and provide standards relat- if the open space is agricultural. safeguard by requiring a local. region- <br /> ing to features such as roof pitch.sid- other options apply. The open space al.or statewide land trust or conserva- <br /> ing material.roofline breaks.and win- can be sold "in fee"to the homeown- tion commission to be a cosigner and <br /> dow proportions.thus giving develop- ers' association. which. in turn. can enforcer of any conservation ease- <br /> ers an incentive to hire architects %%ho lease the land to local farmers. Alter- ment that permanently restricts devel- <br /> are sensiti%e to the building forms that natively. the original farmers can opment in the open space. <br /> blend a tth the town*s character. retain ownership of the land and sell Buffering Farm Operations <br /> Open Space Maintenance only their "development rights." The <br /> latter option affords farmers the To reduce potential conflicts <br /> Another issue of concern is main- opportunity. upon retirement. of sell- between new residents and existing <br /> tenance of the open space created by ing their field-, to younger farmers at agricultural practices.a few tow ns are <br /> clustering. if the open space is recre- an affordable price that reflects the beginning to require cluster lots to be <br /> ational (playing fields.joeging trails. land's agricultural value (rather than separated from the protected farmland <br /> tennis courts. etc.). a hotneoW ners its potential building value). thus by a buffer strip that is typically 75 to <br /> association—to which all residents strengthening the local farming econ- 100 feet wide. Where the de%elop- <br /> are contractually obligated to con- omy. This is essentially a private sec- ment can be so designed. existing <br /> tribute w hen they purchase their for version of a"purchase-of-develop- woodland should be used as the <br /> home—typically handles the upkeep. ment-rights'program. buffer. Otherwise. tow ns can require <br /> At Echo Hill in Amherst. !alas- ..Locking 1n"the Open Space new buffer areas to be thickly planted <br /> sachusetcs.home buffers sign a legally with a variety of rapidly grow ing <br /> binding agreement that authorizes the Another commonly expressed fear native trees and shrubs Ouch as white <br /> homeow ners' association to collect is the possibility of future develop- pine. birch, poplar. American yibur- <br /> any unpaid dues. with accrued inter- ment in the open space. Even though num.honeysuckle.wild rose). <br /> Land Development.Fall 1991 29 <br />