Orange County NC Website
W <br /> Growth Managem1tiotg( . rnery Ct : i <br /> If there are any two There has also been a In 1990 the Montgom- and rural character, Montgomery County. concentrated on village <br /> singular words that can rapid growth of busi- ery County Planning and provide for the 1 planning and the <br /> best describe what has ness and industry, Commission embark- recreational needs of In the upcoming years concept of using <br /> been happening in which is just as im- ed on a program to residents to a degree this commission will transfer of develop- <br /> Montgomery County portant in terms of develop growth man- that is virtually im- continue to develop ment rights to pro- <br /> and much of south- its impact on the agement tools to possible under con- new model ordinances mote growth where it <br /> eastern Pennsylvania physical and econo- address this rapid and ventional suburban and development is wanted,while pre- <br /> during the past few mic landscape of the often uncontrolled zoning. It is limited guidelines that will serving open land <br /> decades,they would county. In 1950 the development. The to single-family, address some of the where needed.ow <br /> have to be"growth" number of jobs locat- Land Preservation detached housing-- many problems of <br /> and"change." Since ed in Montgomery District(LPD)is the the predominant I unmanaged growth. <br /> 1950 our county has County represented 9 first such tool. housing type in Current efforts are <br /> seen a rate and amount percent of all the jobs <br /> of growth and change in the Philadelphia re- The LPD is a zoning <br /> that is unprecedented gion. By 1987 the district that addresses <br /> in its history. number of jobs in the residential growth <br /> county grew to a total only. It restricts nei- For additional information on the Land Preservation District, the <br /> Our population has of over 493,000,which ther the amount(i.e., <br /> almost doubled during was 20 percent of all density)nor the timing following reports are available from: <br /> the past four decades, the jobs in the region. of growth. It does Montgomery County Planning Commission <br /> from about 353,000 in regulate the physical Courthouse, Norristown,Pennsylvania 19404 <br /> 1950 to about 678,000 The impact of this location of growth by phone(215)278-3722 <br /> today. The number of continuing growth is guiding the location of <br /> housing units has phenomenal. We esti- houses on a tract,thus Land Preservation District: Model Zoning Provisions <br /> increased 175 percent mate that over 17,000 strongly influencing <br /> during that same time acres(approximately the visual perception . '' Land Preservation District: Land Development Standards <br /> period to almost 27 square miles or 6 of density. It will <br /> 266,000 today. Accord- percent of the county's enable communities N., Guidelines for Successful Homeowners Associations <br /> ing to the 1990 census, land area)were devel- to protect valuable <br /> we added over 33,000 oped during the last natural resources, N., Guidelines for Open Space Management in the LPD <br /> units during the 1980s. ten years alone! preserve open land <br /> N.. Sewage Treatment Alternatives for the LPD <br /> 20 • 21 <br />