Orange County NC Website
What about sewage treaent? c..., <br /> Most LPD developments will be located in rural areas,away from Individual Systems <br /> public sewage treatment facilities. There are numerous other alterna- <br /> tives for handling the collection,treatment,and disposal of sewage. __ The system most commonly used in con- <br /> ventional,large-lot development is the <br /> Many of these alternatives involve the use of a portion of the open individual septic tank or aerobic tank <br /> • <br /> space,as depicted below. The parts of the system that would be locat- a with a subsurface drain field or sand <br /> ed on individual lots would be maintained by the individual home- ,' ; ; • I ,; • mound located on each lot. In the LPD,• <br /> owner,while components that are shared would be the responsibility ��� individual septic or aerobic tanks could <br /> t • also be located on the lot. The drain field <br /> LLJ <br /> of the homeowners association or the municipality. 3 or sand mound,however,would be lo- <br /> cated in the common open space. <br /> Subsurface Disposal... '' , <br /> Ina community system,either indi- }�. I I <br /> vidual or community tanks could be ' How does the LPD fit: into a typical <br /> used Disposal is accomplished w�'� _i',. °:t-? ' ' '.. zo awl 4" ' ' <br /> non <br /> through the use of community drain ,'�. Wi "°"` "" " °" <br /> fields or sand mounds,which can be R,. ^ •., !' The LPD would not areas are already zoned district that meets <br /> incorporated in a landscaped berm N. `' replace all other resi- for one-or two-acre certain criteria. For <br /> °` ri.�''� , .• • • 1k"" dential zoning dis- lots. The LPD simply example,the LPD might <br /> located in the common open space. B P Y P tnigh <br /> tricts;rather,it would uses this density in a apply to all parcels of at <br /> work in conjunction different manner. least ten acres. <br /> The Spray System... with them. The LPD <br /> ■a `• can either be applied If the LPD is applied as a Whether the LPD is <br /> Another alternative is a centralized as a mapped district or mapped district,it applied as a mapped <br /> �: lagoon system consisting primarily of as an overlay district to would replace one or or an overlay district, <br /> r� '_ ,,Al several ponds equipped with aerators to ( those areas of the more selected existing we recommend that its <br /> �" + •..-, facilitate biological treatment and municipality where zoning districts on the provisions be manda- <br /> ��at '•_ prevent odors. The ponds can easily be open space,rural zoning map. If the LPD tory,to ensure that the <br /> �� % ' integrated into the landscaping scheme character,and envi- is applied as an overlay municipality's open <br /> spar''%V ronmentai resources district,its requirements Fields'_� :, of the project. The treated effluent I eQ � tmentS space and environ- <br /> would be sprayed in fields or woodlands ' are considered impor- would apply to any tract mental goals are met. <br /> iiir. -. in the common open space. tant. Generally,such within the underlying <br /> , I <br /> 16 17 <br />