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8 <br /> 1 b. Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment—Sexually Oriented Businesses <br /> 2 - Closure of Public Hearing and Action (No Additional Comments Accepted) <br /> 3 The Board considered receiving the Planning Board recommendation, closing the public <br /> 4 hearing, and making a decision on text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance <br /> 5 (UDO) initiated by the Planning Director to adopt regulations governing the development of <br /> 6 sexually oriented businesses. <br /> 7 Michael Harvey, Orange County Planning Supervisor, said this item is a continuation of <br /> 8 the public hearing, and noted the abstract contained the UDO outline form in attachment one; <br /> 9 excerpts from the Quarterly Public Hearing (QPH) and the Planning Board; a Planning Board <br /> 10 statement of consistency; and a proposed text amendment. <br /> 11 Michael Harvey said current zoning regulations do not establish locational criteria for <br /> 12 sexually oriented businesses and are actually prohibited. He said this prohibition is inconsistent <br /> 13 with state law which states this as a land use that can be regulated but not prohibited. He said <br /> 14 the proposed text amendment seeks to establish locational criteria and allowable general use <br /> 15 zoning districts. <br /> 16 Michael Harvey said the recommendation is to allow sexually oriented businesses in the <br /> 17 industrial medium and heavy intensity districts, specifically I-2 and 1-3. He said the setback <br /> 18 standards are designed to protect identified secondary sensitive uses such as schools, libraries, <br /> 19 single family residences, and daycares from the impacts that can occur from sexually oriented <br /> 20 businesses being located in a given area. He referred to several studies that support the need <br /> 21 for these setbacks. <br /> 22 Michael Harvey referred to page 7 of attachment 1, noting an inconsistency brought <br /> 23 forward. He said it was initially stated that there are no properties in the County zoned 1-2 or I- <br /> 24 3, but this is not accurate, and appropriate properties have since been located. <br /> 25 Commissioner Price said there seems to be inconsistency on page 48 and asked if <br /> 26 adult cabarets are allowed. <br /> 27 Michael Harvey said yes. <br /> 28 Commissioner Price said if they are allowed then page 45 is inconsistent, as it states <br /> 29 that the sale and consumption of alcohol is banned on the premises of an adult cabaret. <br /> 30 Michael Harvey said it is not inconsistent and the County chose to voluntarily <br /> 31 recommend a prohibition on the consumption of alcohol. <br /> 32 Commissioner Price clarified that alcohol is going to be banned in a bar. <br /> 33 Michael Harvey said no, that alcohol would be banned in an adult cabaret which is the <br /> 34 County's right by state law. <br /> 35 Michael Harvey said Commissioner Dorosin brought up this same concern during the <br /> 36 QPH, and he gave Commissioner Dorosin the same answer that there does not have to be a <br /> 37 regulation banning the consumption of alcohol, but it is the recommendation. <br /> 38 Commissioner Price referred to page 49, which addresses adult motels. She said this <br /> 39 seems absurd. <br /> 40 Michael Harvey said there are provisions in state laws that are not sane and the goal <br /> 41 here is to provide a definitional framework for what could constitute an adult motel versus trying <br /> 42 to reclassify motels throughout the County. <br /> 43 Commissioner Price said her only remaining concern is the issue of alcohol. <br /> 44 Michael Harvey said the provision was put there because the state law allows it but its <br /> 45 elimination from this ordinance text amendment does not impact the enforceability of the text as <br /> 46 a whole. <br /> 47 Commissioner Dorosin referred to page 26, noting it says there are no properties zoned <br /> 48 1-2 and 1-3, and he asked if that is incorrect. <br /> 49 Michael Harvey said yes, and there are zoned properties in Orange County that can <br /> 50 allow for these establishments. <br />