Orange County NC Website
accompany each invoice as may be required by the Department. By submittal of each <br /> invoice, the County certifies that it has adhered to all applicable state and federal laws <br /> and regulations as set forth in this Agreement. <br /> Along with each invoice,the County is responsible for submitting the FFATA Subrecipient <br /> Information Form,which is available at <br /> https:/I connect.ncdot.govfmunicipal ities/Funding/Pages/default.aspx. <br /> • INTERNAL APPROVALS <br /> Reimbursement to the County shall be made upon approval of the invoice by the <br /> Department's Financial Management Division. <br /> • TIMELY SUBMITTAL OF INVOICES <br /> The County may invoice the Department monthly for work accomplished, but no less than <br /> once every six(6)months to keep the Project funds active and available. If the County is <br /> unable to invoice the Department,then they must provide an explanation. Failure to <br /> submit invoices or explanation may result in de-obligation of funds. <br /> i <br /> • FINAL INVOICE <br /> All invoices associated with the Project must be submitted within six(6) months of the <br /> completion of construction and acceptance of the Project to be eligible for reimbursement <br /> by the Department. Any invoices submitted after this time will not be eligible for <br /> reimbursement. <br /> 12.REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND RECORDS RETENTION <br /> PROJECT EVALUATION REPORTS <br /> The County is responsible for submitting quarterly Project evaluation reports, in accordance with <br /> the Department's guidelines and procedures that detail the progress achieved to date for the <br /> Project. <br /> PROJECT RECORDS <br /> The County and its agents shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records, <br /> Project records and such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred <br /> under this Agreement. Further,the County shall make such materials available at its office and <br /> Agreement ID#6119 12 <br />