Agenda - 02-25-2016 - Agenda for BOCC and Hillsborough Board of Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-25-2016 - Joint Mtg.
Agenda - 02-25-2016 - Agenda for BOCC and Hillsborough Board of Commissioners
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Last modified
2/18/2016 11:16:36 AM
Creation date
2/18/2016 11:09:16 AM
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Minutes 02-25-2016
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10 <br /> Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss <br /> issues related to this item as necessary. <br /> No Attachments <br /> b) Park and Ride Lot for 420 and ODX Routes <br /> The Town Board received an update from GoTriangle staff regarding options to <br /> locate a transfer facility and park and ride for the new Route ODX at its meeting <br /> earlier this month. This item has been placed on this joint meeting agenda to <br /> provide an opportunity for the boards to discuss anything related to the topic. The <br /> Town Board was generally supportive of the option proposed by Go Triangle to <br /> locate a transfer facility along Cornelius Street/US 70 Bypass (possibly at <br /> Faucette Mill Rd.) to facilitate access to the most routes, as well as residents <br /> within walking distance, and a park and ride facility further to the east on US 70 <br /> Bypass at Newhope Church. <br /> The Town will have to make adjustments to its development code, which its staff <br /> is presently studying, to consider a park and ride lot at the church because it is <br /> residentially zoned. The Town appreciates GoTriangle's willingness to have the <br /> two facilities in the corridor so that access to the route is maximized for transit <br /> dependent populations in Hillsborough. <br /> The BOCC received the GoTriangle staff report on this item in its February 16 <br /> meeting agenda packet. <br /> Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss <br /> issues related to these items as necessary. <br /> No Attachments <br /> c) Churton Street Improvements <br /> Due to the complex funding, getting final permissions from the North Carolina <br /> Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has been time consuming on this project. <br /> The current schedule would allow the bus stop work near the Justice Facility to <br /> begin in May 2016 as the first portion of the construction work. The downtown <br /> construction phase would last about 10 months, wrapping up in January 2017. In <br /> Spring 2017, NCDOT has scheduled the resurfacing of Churton Street. Once that <br /> is complete, the stamped crosswalks and final clean-up can take place. The best <br /> estimate right now for full completion is the end of calendar year 2017. The town <br /> will have a meeting with downtown businesses as soon as a contractor has been <br /> secured so that full details of timing can be discussed and adjusted to the extent <br /> feasible. Town staff acknowledges that the construction schedule is not the <br /> desired schedule for local businesses, but construction of this type cannot take <br /> place in January-March. <br />
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