Minutes 01-29-2016
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 01-29-2016
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Last modified
2/17/2016 4:59:12 PM
Creation date
2/17/2016 4:50:30 PM
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
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Agenda - 01-29-2016 Retreat
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8 <br /> • Identify initiatives or ways to leverage current programs to help break cycle of <br /> poverty <br /> • Employment as articulated by staff(crossed with transportation as relevant). <br /> • Survey of unmet transportation needs for education and employment needs of low <br /> income residents, used to prioritize additional services. <br /> • Housing living wage for orange county staff. <br /> • Connect students to community colleges. <br /> 3. Housing — Board members said that Goals 1 and 4 contain the following priorities that fit <br /> under this theme, as follows: <br /> • Decent, standard housing options for all residents regardless of household income <br /> level. <br /> • Funds to develop targeted number of[affordable housing] units (set numerical goal). <br /> • Especially [affordable housing] rentals <br /> • Develop explicit plan to inform bond expenditures and other BOCC affordable <br /> housing funding. <br /> • Housing living wage for orange county staff. <br /> 6. Wrap Up <br /> Board members were asked to evaluate the retreat in their final thoughts before <br /> adjourning: <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the pace of the day was good, and the voting process was <br /> a very good method to clearly identify each Commissioner's thoughts, and allow for discussion. <br /> Chair McKee said he liked this process a lot, as it helped him to focus. He said seeing <br /> other Commissioners' ideas written down was informative. He added that the voting process <br /> gave him a chance to see other's priorities without having to argue back and forth, or feel like <br /> raising his hand would leave him as the outlier. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said she liked that the meeting began by meshing this process <br /> with the staff process. She would recommend to next year's retreat committee that this be done <br /> again, even more effectively. She said she liked the way the tasks were set up in advance, as <br /> well as the on the spot facilitation; and she would like to see this again in the future. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he did not find the pre-meeting instructions at all clear, but <br /> thought that the meeting itself was fine. He thought the facilitator did a good job, and found <br /> meeting space was acceptable but he wished that separately packaged creamers were not <br /> used, which just increases the waste. He wished there had been a receptacle into which one <br /> could place paper for recycling. He said he would have liked for there to have been a free-for- <br /> all session, where the Board could bring up ideas that did not necessarily fit any of the goals, <br /> and where the facilitator did manage the discussion, allowing for more of a human interaction. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she like the meeting facility, as it allowed a change of scenery. <br /> She also liked that the goals were change on the "fly". She said word-smithing would happen <br /> later, and appreciated the updating of some of the goals. She said the Clerk did a great job <br /> ordering food, and making sure that they were all taken care of. She liked the voting process, <br /> but sometimes felt unsure as to which idea to put her sticker on. She agreed with <br /> Commissioner Dorosin that ultimately priorities are not being eliminated, but rather put in a list <br /> of those which received the most dots. There were some items with only one vote, but if these <br /> items are easily accomplished, staff me complete them as well. She said overall, she thought <br /> the retreat was good and she got a lot out of it. She thanked the facilitator. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he hoped, and liked the idea, that coming out of the retreat <br /> there will be specific, practical things. Goals are compelling but they are abstract. He thinks it <br />
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