Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br /> COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COUNTY THAT the time during which property is to be listed <br /> for taxation in 2016 be extended until February 29, 2016. <br /> Upon motion duly made and seconded, the foregoing resolution was passed by the <br /> following votes: <br /> Ayes: Commissioners <br /> Noes: <br /> I, Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North <br /> Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing has been carefully copied from the <br /> recorded minutes of the Board of Commissioners for said County at a regular meeting of said <br /> Board held on , said record having been made in the Minute Book of <br /> the minutes of said Board, and is a true copy of so much of said proceedings of said Board as <br /> relates in any way to the passage of the resolution described in said proceedings. <br /> WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of said County, this day of <br /> , 2016. <br /> Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there is a plan to inform the public about this extended <br /> listing. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she and the communications team would put out the <br /> information. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment— Recreational Land Uses - <br /> Closure of Public Hearing and Action (No Additional Comments Accepted) <br /> The Board received the Planning Board recommendation, closed the public hearing, <br /> and voted on a decision on text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) <br /> initiated by the Planning Director to revise existing regulations governing the development of <br /> recreational land uses. <br /> Michael Harvey, Orange County Planning, said the Board of County Commissioners <br /> (BOCC) will be receiving the Planning Board recommendation, and he would like to review <br /> what this ordinance does and does not do. <br /> Michael Harvey said this UDO amendment began in the spring of 2015, when staff <br /> identified a need to revise the existing methodology by which recreation land uses are <br /> classified. He said the existing ordinance was arcane, confusing, and very difficult to enforce. <br /> He said this ordinance will provide a definitive line of demarcation between private recreational <br /> amenities and recreational facilities. He said these types of activities are currently processed <br /> through the review and approval of a Class B Special Use Permit (SUP), which are reviewed <br /> and acted upon by the Orange County Board of Adjustment. He said this amended ordinance <br /> is also an attempt to address long-standing issues with establishing development criteria for <br /> certain identified recreational uses. He said the process and discussion was dominated by <br /> one use specifically, which was the discharge of firearms from both a private and potential <br /> public standpoint. <br />