Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> ➢ Learn and Share revaluation video series (225 total views as of 1/19)-10- <br /> question interactive, educational quiz on website--16 quizzes taken, average <br /> score 93 <br /> ➢ Certificate of Achievement <br /> • Summary Description Mailing with 2016 listing forms <br /> ➢ Partnering with the community to gather the most accurate data possible <br /> ➢ 636 electronic forms returned, 2,100 hard copies <br /> • Sales Bank/Appeals Process on website <br /> ➢ Win-win appeals process <br /> ➢ Sample adjustment grid <br /> Commissioner Rich referred to the first slide in the PowerPoint presentation, and asked <br /> if examples of attached improvements of real properties could be given. <br /> Dwane Brinson said it is the house and its components and gave the example of a <br /> detached garage. <br /> Commissioner Rich referred to the yellow forms that were sent to residents, and asked <br /> if the Tax office is relying on the community to come forward and provide information. <br /> Dwane Brinson said asking residents for this information is new for this revaluation. He <br /> said he is unaware of any other county doing this process. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the information provided by citizens may correct previously <br /> held information by the tax office. She asked if there is a plan in place to insure that citizens <br /> will not get penalized for bringing forward new discoveries. <br /> Dwane Brinson said when there is information that changes the property value, the tax <br /> office is sending a change of value notice to the property owner. He said there are four people <br /> in the tax office receiving these forms. He said all forms are reviewed individually and <br /> responses are given when requested. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if residents are aware that the information they provide may <br /> affect their 2017 tax bill. <br /> Dwane Brinson said yes. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she is concerned that residents understand that new <br /> discoveries will affect the tax bill moving forward, but that they will not be penalized in arrears <br /> for discoveries. <br /> Dwane Brinson said the more information the tax office has, the better and more <br /> accurate the revaluation will be. <br /> Commissioner Rich said there must be trust built with the community. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the revaluation will impact properties that have undergone <br /> absolutely no changes. <br /> Dwane Brinson said property values are determined based on sales, and the valuation <br /> of a house that has not sold in 25 years would be based on sales of similar properties. He <br /> said notices of value will be sent out between December 2016 and January 2017 along with <br /> information about the appeals process. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if most property values are anticipated to rise. <br /> Dwane Brinson said the sales that will be used for the revaluation have yet to occur <br /> and will do so in 2016. He said there will be some properties that will drop in value. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the presentation could be broken down into layman's <br /> terms. <br /> Commission Dorosin reviewed his understanding of the presentation: the tax office will <br /> create a schedule of values based on all the sales in Orange County in 2016; categorize the <br />