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3 <br /> The Board considered officially proclaiming the month of February 2016 as "Human <br /> Relations Month" in Orange County and authorizing the Chair to sign the Proclamation. <br /> Rollin Russell, Human Relations Commission (HRC) member, introduced Desaray <br /> Rockett, HRC Youth Ambassador, who read the proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH PROCLAMATION <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners established the <br /> Human Relations Commission in June 1987 with the desire to "encourage mutual <br /> understanding and fair treatment of all citizens"; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Human Relations Commission believes that in order to <br /> achieve justice and equal opportunity for all Orange County residents, we must all strive to <br /> create an atmosphere where people are valued and accepted rather than merely tolerated, <br /> and therefore continue to promote the ideal of social justice for all; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Human Relations Commission has diligently served <br /> Orange County since 1987 and remains committed to promoting equal treatment, opportunity <br /> and understanding throughout the community; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Human Relations Commission enforces the County's <br /> Civil Rights Ordinance which specifically prohibits discrimination based on an individual's race, <br /> color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran status and familial status; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Human Relations Commission encourages Orange <br /> County residents, as individuals, to take a stand against social injustice and continue to work <br /> together to make freedom, justice, and equal opportunity available for all; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County is committed to preserving the progress made thus far <br /> towards equality and leading the challenge for equal opportunity using all the means at our <br /> disposal; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby <br /> proclaim February 2016 as "HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH" in Orange County and challenge <br /> our residents to promote the ideology of social justice for all by celebrating and encouraging <br /> multiculturalism in the County and encouraging all residents to embrace diversity and equal <br /> access in Orange County. <br /> THIS THE 21ST DAY OF JANUARY, 2016. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br /> the Board to adopt the Proclamation and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. 2017 Countywide Revaluation Update <br /> The Board received an update on the Orange County Tax Office's administration of the <br /> 2017 countywide revaluation of real property. <br />