Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> • Promote housing that is structurally accessible to, and usable by, all persons, particularly <br /> persons with disabilities; and <br /> • Foster compliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of the Fair Housing Act. A draft A.I. <br /> was made available for public comment beginning Friday, August 14, 2015 and continuing until <br /> 5 p.m. on Monday, September 14, 2015. Electronic copies of the draft plan were available to <br /> the public via the County's website. Hardcopies were made available at the County's <br /> Department of Housing, Human Rights and Community Development, the Townships of <br /> Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough, the Chapel Hill Public Library and each branch <br /> of the Orange County Public Library. In addition, a newspaper posting soliciting <br /> comments was issued in the News of Orange, the Durham Herald Sun and La Noticia, a <br /> Spanish bi-lingual newspaper. There were additional surveys returned by non-English <br /> speaking community members and one public comment received. These surveys and <br /> the public comment were inserted in the Final A.I., which is available on-line at the <br /> following URL: <br /> <br /> Commissioner Pelissier referred to page 5 of the summary hand-out from Audrey <br /> Spencer-Horsley, and asked why more than one person per room is considered a housing <br /> problem. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said she can get the definition and reasoning for one person <br /> per room and report back to the Board. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier referred to impediment#5 on page 6, that notes a need to <br /> improve public policies that affirmatively further fair housing, and asked if there are any <br /> examples or ideas of what this may be for the County. She asked if this document covers the <br /> towns as well as the County. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said the document does cover the towns as well. She said <br /> flexible land use and zoning policies would be an example of addressing housing needs. She <br /> said this summary does not contain many examples, but the full document does. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said there are two separate issues: providing affordable <br /> housing, but also to affirmatively further fair housing. He said the summary is very troubling. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> approve the Orange County 2015-2020 Analysis of Impediments, and authorize the Manager <br /> to certify the same. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Bonnie Hammersley asked Audrey Spencer-Horsley if the numbers include students. <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley said no. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said in the Board's agenda packet, under Information Items, is a <br /> new budget schedule, including her presentation of the annual budget May 5th, which is two <br /> weeks earlier than normal. <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> NONE <br />