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23 <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The expenses for the Criminal Case Assessment Specialist are <br /> estimated to be $31,200. This includes funding for a temporary position for 60 days and <br /> funding for a full time, benefitted position for the balance of the fiscal year. These costs would <br /> be fully offset by reimbursement from Cardinal Innovations of$31,200, resulting in no net cost <br /> to the County. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked Caitlen Fenhagen if she could clarify how she and the <br /> Criminal Case Assessment Specialist will interact. <br /> Caitlen Fenhagen said this person will be in her office, and will be working to insure that <br /> those with mental health needs within drug court and pretrial services do not get overlooked. <br /> She added that this position will work closely with the jails, and has the full support of the jail <br /> administrators to conduct limited mental health assessments when offenders enter the jail. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said all the stakeholders are very committed to these new <br /> positions. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> Board to approve the creation of a 1.0 FTE Criminal Case Assessment Specialist, and accept <br /> revenue from Cardinal Innovations to offset the cost of the position. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice <br /> The Board received a report and considered voting to approve the FY 2015-2020 <br /> Analysis of Impediments to fair housing choice, and authorizing the Manager to certify the <br /> necessary documents. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley, Orange County Housing, Human Rights, and Community <br /> Development Department Director, reviewed the following information: <br /> BACKGROUND: As the lead agency of the Orange County HOME Consortium, the County <br /> administers funding allocated through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban <br /> Development's (HUD's) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The County also <br /> occasionally receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. As such, the <br /> County is a Participating Jurisdiction (PJ). In addition to the allocation of these block grants, <br /> the County's Housing, Human Rights and Community Development Department operates as a <br /> Public Housing Authority (PHA) through its administration of the federal Housing Choice <br /> Voucher program. All PJ's and PHA's are required to engage in activities that "affirmatively <br /> further fair housing". To meet this long-standing obligation, the County completes and submits <br /> an Analysis of Impediments (A.I.) to identify barriers to fair housing choice and for planning an <br /> approach to take meaningful actions to overcome these barriers. This analysis is completed <br /> every five (5) years, consistent with the County's quinquennial submission of its Consolidated <br /> Plan for Affordable Housing. <br /> The County's objectives parallel HUD's objectives to: <br /> • Promote fair housing choice for all persons; <br /> • Provide opportunities for inclusive patterns of housing occupancy regardless of race, color, <br /> religion, sex, familial status, disability and national origin; <br />