Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> John M. Silva <br /> Thunder Mt. <br /> 35-year Orange County Resident <br /> Christine Silva said she is a long-time Orange County resident, and she is opposed to <br /> having the MST behind her neighborhood. She recognizes that there are people in her <br /> neighborhood that do desire the trail, but she hopes all opinions will be respected. She <br /> advocates for moving forward with the trail systems that already exist in Orange County, and <br /> using potential MST funds for the many other needs that exist in Orange County. <br /> Allan Green said he had sent a letter to Commissioner Dorosin in response to a <br /> previous discussion regarding the MST. He said a group of local residents on Thunder Mt. met <br /> to put together a plan for this section of the MST, but found out their plan is redundant in <br /> comparison to the Department of Environment Agriculture Parks and Recreation's (DEAPR) <br /> excellent plan. He asked them to support getting the master plan completed in the first half of <br /> 2016 and to being work on the trail by the end of 2016. <br /> Allan Green referred to a document from Charles Gregory Smith at the November <br /> meeting, which was a description of the support for the trail from some of the Thunder <br /> Mountain residents. He noted that the five landowners closest to the proposed MST are in <br /> favor of it. <br /> Kate Dixon is the Executive Director of the Friends of the MTS, and she appreciates the <br /> Board's support for the plan. She reviewed the history and current status of the MTS. <br /> Chair McKee noted that no decisions are to be made this evening rather this is an <br /> opportunity for an update. He said no formal decisions are expected until May 2016. <br /> Commissioner Price said asked if funds are currently available to move forward with the <br /> trail. <br /> David Stancil said funds for the acquisition of trail easements are available now, and he <br /> said the current Capital Investment Plan (CIP) has the funding for construction in 2018. He <br /> said this funding is being reviewed in preparation of the new CIP. He noted that the Friends of <br /> the MST will do a lot of the construction. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the stakeholders include landowners, and asked if all of <br /> the landowners in the one-mile swath have been notified about the community meetings. <br /> David Stancil said those residents, as well as many more outside of the one-mile swath, <br /> will be notified of the community meetings. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if the landowners will get a specific letter. <br /> David Stancil said yes. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if an individual does not want to donate land, will there <br /> be any imminent domain. <br /> David Stancil said no; the process is entirely voluntary. <br /> David Stancil asked if the Board would like DEAPR to proceed as indicated. <br /> Chair McKee said the Board is in support of this. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if more detailed maps can be provided. <br /> David Stancil said yes. <br /> c. Creation of a Criminal Case Assessment Specialist Position <br /> The Board considered voting to approve the creation of a new 1.0 full time equivalent <br /> (FTE) position titled Criminal Case Assessment Specialist to conduct mental health and <br /> substance abuse assessments and treatment coordination for individuals in the jail and those <br /> who are participating in jail alternative programming. <br />