Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> Who Should Be Involved <br /> • Landowners Along the Corridor <br /> • Interested Residents <br /> • OWASA <br /> • Friends of the MST (FMST) <br /> • State Parks <br /> • NC DOT <br /> • County Departments (DEAPR, Planning, ES, Sheriff) <br /> Possible Next Steps <br /> • Complete information gathering <br /> • Notify stakeholders <br /> • Schedule first community meeting (February?) <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> John Silva read the following letter: <br /> Orange County Commissioners Thursday January 21, 2016 <br /> Opposition to the Mountain-to-Sea Trail through the Cane Creek Watershed <br /> If a motion is being considered this evening for segment 11 of the Mountain-to-Sea Trail, which <br /> would go through Bingham Township, the Thunder Mt. (TM), Mitchell Mt. (MM) communities in <br /> the Cane Creek Watershed, I respectfully request a tabling of the motion. <br /> The residents of TM and MM, the two communities in the township most impacted by such a <br /> motion, did not know a motion was being considered, and did not have an opportunity to <br /> review and discuss the motion. Just yesterday (January 21, 2016), Phil Duckwall and Brenda <br /> McCall of MM and Christine and John Silva of TM became aware that a request to reconsider <br /> the Cane Creek Watershed area has been initiated by a couple of individuals including one <br /> person who is not even a resident of either TT or MM (a Mr. Green). This process was not <br /> done in a democratic manner and was not open to TM and MM residents. <br /> A few years ago a similar attempt to locate a Mountain-to-Sea Trail through the TM and MM <br /> communities was vigorously opposed by the Citizens United to Protect the Cane Creek <br /> Watershed and this group will once again vigorously oppose any attempt to run the trail <br /> through the rural communities and the Cane Creek watershed. I am not opposed to the <br /> concept of the Mountain-to-Sea Trail. I have personally hiked the Appalachian Trail from <br /> Northern Virginia to Maine. <br /> I propose that the Orange County Commissioners require the presentation of alternate trail <br /> routes for segment 11 of the Mountain-to-Sea Trail that do not go through the TM and MM <br /> communities. It is my understanding that one alternate option would allow Orange County the <br /> immediate ability to put the Seven Mile Creek area (and points north and east) into service and <br /> continue the Mountain-to-Sea Trail on its current route along 1-85. That brings immediate <br /> value to Orange County residents and connects existing recreational areas and trails - <br /> including trails into Hillsborough and to the Mountain-to-Sea statewide trail. I am sure other <br /> viable routes can be determined that will be embraced by impacted residents or have minimal <br /> impact on sensitive residential and watershed areas. Thank you. <br />