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18 <br /> Bob Marotto said the challenge is not finding people, but that many of the people are <br /> employed full time and finding a time when all can meet is sometimes difficult. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she has that same concern, but assumes if there are not <br /> enough people willing to serve, the process would function with those who are willing to serve. <br /> Annette Moore said yes. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the balance will be affected, if all spots are not filled. <br /> Bob Marotto advocated moving forward with the applicants that come in and review and <br /> revise as necessary. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Chair McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to add another <br /> sentence to section 4-53, stating that any decision of the appeal panel may be appealed to the <br /> District Court, or Superior Court of North Carolina, sitting in Orange County, or appealed as <br /> otherwise provided by law. <br /> John Roberts requested the ability to tweak the language of the motion, if necessary, to <br /> accomplish the intent. <br /> Chair McKee said his main concern is that this be a progressive, step-by-step <br /> procedure, which insures that the ability to appeal to the court system is never prohibited. <br /> Annette Moore said the language could be similar to that in the general statute <br /> regarding dangerous dog appeals; thus the avenue to appeal is the same, regardless of that <br /> which is being appealed. <br /> Chair McKee said this is satisfactory. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if any changes are made to the ordinance in the future, will it <br /> be brought to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Annette Moore said if changes are necessary, community partners would be consulted <br /> first, followed by the Board of County Commissioners, and then the Board of County <br /> Commissioners would vote on any changes. <br /> Commissioner Rich agreed and said this allows for ongoing positive relationships <br /> between all stakeholders. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> adopt the proposed Unified Animal Control Ordinance with previously approved amendments <br /> above, and approve the Resolution of Amendment "A Resolution Amending Chapter 4 of the <br /> Orange County Code of Ordinances". <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier <br /> to approve the Animal Services Hearing Panel Pool Policies and Procedures, with suggested <br /> changes. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Mountains-to-Sea Trail — Master Plan for Segment 11 <br />