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17 <br /> Chair McKee said Commissioner Jacobs questioned if there is a reason why Mebane is <br /> left out of the list of municipalities. <br /> Annette Moore said Mebane has its own animal control. <br /> Bob Marotto said the townships that are included in the policy are ones to whom his <br /> department provides services. He said Mebane Township does not utilize services and <br /> declined the invitation to participate in this current process. <br /> Chair McKee said Commissioner Jacobs asked if the oath has any legal value. <br /> John Roberts said the oath makes the process more formal, and it is a general oath to <br /> tell the truth. <br /> Annette Moore said the oath is included at the request of a commissioner. <br /> Chair McKee said he is concerned about the attorney issue, noting that the entire <br /> process is already adversarial. He suggested that this section be tweaked, and the wording be <br /> "accompanied by a person of their choosing who may represent the person." He also <br /> suggested including in writing the ability to appeal to the court. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if the Board could vote on each of the proposed <br /> suggestions. <br /> John Roberts said this would be acceptable. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> amend section 4-53c on page 31 to read, "a party alleged to be in violation of this chapter may <br /> be represented by an individual of their choosing, including an attorney." <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Chair McKee, Commissioner Dorosin, Commissioner Rich, Commissioner <br /> Burroughs); Nayes, 2 (Commissioner Pelissier and Commissioner Price) <br /> MOTION PASSES <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs <br /> to amend section IV— 1 c, on page 88, and to the corresponding ordinance (453i) to read, "In <br /> the event that a representative of the town in question is not available to serve within the <br /> required period of time, a representative of one of the other towns will be selected." <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if this change would need to be taken back to the towns. <br /> Annette Moore said staff would notify the towns about the change. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if a corresponding change to the ordinance would be <br /> necessary. <br /> Annette Moore said to add that same sentence to the end of section 453i as well. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she would add this to her motion as well. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> amend the policy, section 3b, on page 88 so that B1 reads that the animal services hearing <br /> board is composed of 18 members (from 12); and amend section B2a to read that each of the <br /> towns to have 2 members; and amend section B2d to read 6-at-large representatives, three of <br /> which reside in the unincorporated. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said she understands it is challenging to find people to serve <br /> in these roles, and asked if increasing the numbers will increase the burden. <br />