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Contractor. It shall be necessary for the Contractor to coordinate construction activities with <br />such other contractors, particularly with respect to access to work areas, storage of <br />materials, and use of elevators and other common facilities. The Contractor shall diligently <br />and in good faith cooperate with the CMAR, the Owner, the Designer, and all other <br />contractors with respect to such matters and shall regularly and faithfully attend any and all <br />meetings called by the CMAR with respect to such matters. Any disputes between the <br />Contractor and any other separate prime contractor with respect to such matters shall be <br />resolved in accordance with the claim and dispute resolution procedures in the Agreement. <br />ARTICt_E 13. CQNTRACT TIME <br />13.1 Within fourteen (14} days after initial receipt of the Construction Agreement by the <br />Contractor far signatures, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the CMAR for review <br />and approval a preliminary Contractor's Construction Schedule for the Work pursuant to the <br />requirements stated in the Contract Documents. <br />13.2 Within fourteen (14) days after initial receipt of the Construction Agreement by the <br />Contractor for signatures, the Contractor shall submit to the CMAR a Submittal Register <br />listing all Submittals the Contractor is required to make or proposes to make under the <br />Contract Documents, the dates on which the Contractor proposes to make such Submittals <br />and the dates by which the Contractor reasonably requires a response from the CMAR and <br />the Designer with respect to each Submittal. The dates submitted shall be incorporated into <br />the Contractor's Construction Schedule as Completion Dates when they have been <br />approved or modified by the Owner. The CMAR and the Designer shall not be required to <br />review any Submittal from the Contractor until a Submittal Register acceptable to and <br />approved by the CMAR has been submitted by the Contractor. <br />13.3 Not later than thirty (30} days following execution and delivery of the Construction <br />Agreement by the CMAR to the Contractor, the CMAR shall deliver to the Contractor a <br />Notice to Proceed. The Notice to Proceed shaft state a commencement date on which it is <br />expected that the Contractor will begin the Work to be performed under the Agreement. <br />The Contract Time shall be measured from said specified commencement date. The <br />commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed shall not be earlier than three (3) days <br />after the Notice to Proceed is served on the Contractor. <br />If, other than by mutual agreement, said specified commencement date is more than thirty <br />(30} days after the date of execution and delivery of the Agreement from the CMAR to the <br />Contractor and the Gontractor believes said delay justifies an increase in Contract Price <br />and/or an extension of Contract Time, the Contractor may make a claim therefore as <br />provided in Article 14 and/or Article 15 of these General Conditions. <br />No Work shall be done prior to the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. <br />The Gontractor shall submit a final Contractor's Construction Schedule far approval by the <br />CMAR no later than fourteen (14) days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed. No <br />payments shall be due the Contractor until this schedule is approved by the CMAR. <br />13.4 The Master Schedule is a Contract Document. The Contractor represents that the Master <br />Schedule has been reviewed in detail and taken into account in preparing its bid. The <br />Contractor's Construction Schedule shall be incorporated into the CMAR's Project Master <br />Schedule. The Contractor's Construction Schedule shall include all of its activities which <br />impact, limit, or otherwise affect the time of completion of the Project as shown in the <br />Master Schedule, and all of the activities of others which impact, limit, ar otherwise affect <br />the start, duration, or completion of the Contractor's activities. The Contractor further <br />represents that the Contractor can and will complete each activity within the time shown for <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 26 of 42 JUNE 2007 EDITION <br />