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ARTICLE 1t}. DESIGNER <br />10.1 The Designer is charged with responsibility for preparation and inierpretation of the <br />Contract Documents. The Designer's decisions relating to aesthetic matters shall be final. <br />10.2 All Work completed under the Contract Documents shall be subject to review by the <br />Designer. No Work is to be covered without the Designer's review or prior authorization. <br />Any Work so covered without the Designer's review or prior authorization shall be <br />uncovered at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall notify the CMAR in writing at <br />leasttwenty-four (24) hours in advance of covering any Work. <br />10.3 The Designer shall not be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, <br />sequences, procedures, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and shall <br />not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the <br />Contract Documents, but shall be entitled to enforce any requirements in the Contract <br />Documents specifying particular means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures. <br />10.4 The Designer shat! be an Owner's agent during the construction period. The duties, <br />responsibilities and authority of the Designer as the Owner's representative during <br />construction are as set forth in the Contract Documents. <br />ARTICLE 11. TESTING AND SURVEYING <br />11.1 Laboratory and field tests to determine compliance of construction with the Contract <br />Documents shall be made by the Owner or testing consultants employed by the Owner <br />except those required elsewhere in the Contract Documents to be paid for by the <br />Contractor. The costs and expenses of providing samples for and assistance in any testing <br />shall be borne by the Gontractor and are included in the Contract Price. Any Work in which <br />untested materials are used without approval or written permission of the CMAR and the <br />Designer shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Work found to be <br />unacceptable or unauthorized will not be paid for and, if directed by the CMAR, shall be <br />removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Unless otherwise designated, tests in <br />accordance with the cited standard methods of ASTM or other generally recognized or <br />specifically authorized methods which are current on the date of advertisement for bids <br />shall be made at the expense of the Owner; provided, however, in the event that after such <br />testing any Work is found to be defective or does not meet the requirements of the Contract <br />Documents, the costs of retesting such Work and the costs of inspection services shall be <br />paid by the Contractor. Samples shall be taken by a testing laboratory employed by the <br />Owner. All materials being used are subject #o inspection, tests, or rejection at any time <br />prior to or during incorporation into the Work. Copies of all Owner test reports will be <br />furnished to the Contractor at its written request. Copies of Contractor test reports shall be <br />furnished to the CMAR upon written request. <br />11.2 The CMAR shall have the right to •deduct the casts of additional testing as described in <br />paragraph 11.1 from any money due or to become due the Contractor; or if no money is <br />due the Contractor, the CMAR shall have the right to recover. these costs from the <br />Contractor, from its sureties, or from both. <br />11.3 All layouts and surveying shall be accomplished by properly qualified personnel duly <br />licensed in the State of North Carolina. <br />ARTICLE 12. SEPARATE CONTRACTS <br />12.1 It is expressly understood that the CMAR and the Owner may deploy their own employees <br />or engage other separate contractors to perform Work as a part of the Project whose work <br />will be performed simultaneously and sequentially with the performance of the Work by the <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 25 of 42~ JUNE 2007 EDITION <br />