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prepared by the Designer shall be binding on the CMAR and the Contractor. No Request <br />for Payment shall be certified by the CMAR until the Schedule of Values has been <br />approved by the Owner. <br />20.2 Not later than the fifth (5th) day of each calendar month the Contractor shall submit to the <br />CMAR a Request for Payment for Work done during the previous calendar month. The <br />Request for Payment shall be in form of AIA Document G702 (latest edition), or other <br />published document approved by the CMAR, and shall show substantially the value of <br />Work done (including the value of material delivered to the Project or stored by the <br />Contractor at another site, subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth) during the <br />previous calendar month, and shall sum up the financial status of the Work with the <br />following information: <br />a) Total Contract Price, including any adjustment thereto made pursuant to the <br />Contract Documents. <br />b) Value of Work completed and materials properly stored to date. <br />c) Less amount retained. <br />d) Less previous payments. <br />e) Current amount due. . <br />f) Contract Price balance remaining. <br />The Contractor, upon request of the CMAR, shall substantiate the Request for Payment <br />with invoices, vouchers, payrolls, or other evidence. <br />20.3 When payment is requested or made on account of stored materials, such materials must <br />be stored on the Owner's property or on such. property otherwise designated in writing by <br />the Owner at such places and in such a manner as may be designated by the CMAR. <br />However, if approved by the CMAR, and with permission in writing from the Designer and <br />Owner and under such circumstances as may be required by the CMAR and the Owner, <br />such materials may be stored in a bonded warehouse. Requests for Payment on account <br />of stored materials shall be accompanied by paid invoices, bills of sale, warehouse <br />receipts, or other documentary evidence establishing Owner's title to such materials, <br />evidence that the stored materials are insured against loss and damage, and such other <br />documentation as required by the CMAR. Responsibility for the quantity, quality, and <br />condition of such stored materials, whether stored on the Owner's property or away from <br />the Owner's property, shall remain with the Contractor regardless of ownership or title. No <br />payment shall be made on account of materials stored in a bonded warehouse unless the <br />Contractor has acquired written permission from the CMAR and the Owner for such storage <br />of materials and has complied with all conditions set forth in such permission regarding <br />such storage of materials in a bonded warehouse. <br />20.4 Any Request for Payment received by the CMAR on or before the fifth (5th) day of the <br />calendar month shall be certified for payment or returned for re-submission to the <br />Contractor on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the calendar month. The CMAR's <br />certification shall be for the amount which was requested or that which the CMAR has <br />decided was justly due, and shall state in writing to the Contractor and Owner the reasons <br />for withholding payment of any or all of the amount requested. <br />20.5 The CMAR may refuse to certify all or part of any payment requested for any of the <br />following reasons: <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 35 of 42 JUNE 2007 EDITION <br />