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2 <br /> 1 Manager's Office. Board members were asked to arrive at the retreat with any questions, <br /> 2 insights, concerns, or other thoughts regarding these results. <br /> 3 Commissioner Burroughs asked if the community colleges played a role in the <br /> 4 administration's strategic priorities for employment. <br /> 5 Travis Myren said a Durham Tech representative participated in the Human Services <br /> 6 and Education team. The team talked through some of the challenges that exist to accessing <br /> 7 Durham Tech, especially with regard to transportation (which is a huge barrier), and potential <br /> 8 job readiness work with which Durham Tech could help the County. Durham Teach already <br /> 9 operates classes on site with the County, and staff is hoping there will be more of that shortly. <br /> 10 The team also discussed a community college tuition scholarship program provided by Durham <br /> 11 County. <br /> 12 Commissioner Burroughs said that she was glad to hear that the community college is <br /> 13 being kept clearly in the administration's mind. <br /> 14 Commissioner Dorosin said that he appreciated the list of internal priorities in the <br /> 15 Manager's report. While the Commissioners are aware of internal issues, such as wage <br /> 16 compression and technology, the Board tends to focus its attention on external matters. He <br /> 17 said he is interested in thinking more about how internal priorities affect the external ones. He <br /> 18 said he is also interested in hearing how adequate, clear, and helpful the direction from the <br /> 19 Board is to the staff from the staff's perspective. He said he was pleased to see that quality of <br /> 20 work life was rated highly in the administration's priorities, and he is excited to see the creation <br /> 21 of cross-department teams. He said he is curious about where the Social Justice goals fit in. <br /> 22 Bonnie Hammersley said that it is new and important for the County to address internal <br /> 23 priorities in this strategic, cross-departmental manner, and that over time as the internal <br /> 24 priorities are addressed they will become more routine and stronger foundations for the external <br /> 25 priorities. She said she does quarterly information sessions with all employees. She said she is <br /> 26 seeing that the internal issues —the morale and compression issues —are strong. These are <br /> 27 the issues the Board has hired her to address. She said her goal for the organization is that <br /> 28 over time the employees will be even more focused externally; we are public servants and we <br /> 29 should be serving the public. <br /> 30 Bonnie Hammersley said in her last position in Michigan they had been implementing <br /> 31 across the board cuts since 2008, but when you do that over and over again you wind up <br /> 32 hurting the essential services of government. She said she used this strategic priority setting <br /> 33 process there to engage the department heads in the decision making process. She said as <br /> 34 she went through that for five years, she realized that this was a sustainable model that also <br /> 35 could be used in jurisdictions where cuts were not happening, because there never are enough <br /> 36 resources to do all the things you want to do. <br /> 37 Commissioner Dorosin said he hoped that in the same way the administration is asking <br /> 38 the staff to cross-silos in setting priorities that the internal and external silos will get crossed. <br /> 39 Bonnie Hammersley said that the model she is using is conducive to that. She <br /> 40 Hammersley added that the Board's social justice goals apply to the work of all of the functional <br /> 41 leadership teams. <br /> 42 Travis Myren said that Goal 4 could be thought of as a broad category into which many <br /> 43 of the internal concerns of the County government might be placed. <br /> 44 Commissioner Jacobs said that there are County priorities that are assumed, for <br /> 45 example, making government more accessible to the public, and raising and maintaining an <br /> 46 environmental awareness —which might be better served if made explicit. He said staff's work <br /> 47 has given us the integuments of what it is that we are, he said, and it is up to us now to flesh <br /> 48 that out. <br /> 49 Commissioner Pelissier asked if the department heads felt that the Board's current goals <br /> 50 are not clear. <br />