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22 <br /> 1 One of the strategies identified to satisfy the need for enhanced mental health and substance <br /> 2 abuse services in the criminal justice system is to create a position responsible for providing <br /> 3 these services. In an effort to promote pretrial release, the position would conduct evaluations, <br /> 4 assessments, and referrals for treatment for individuals awaiting trial or disposition of criminal <br /> 5 charges. These additional services would provide greater assurance to the judiciary that <br /> 6 individuals can safely remain in or return to the community while accessing necessary treatment <br /> 7 resources. Allowing an individual to remain in the community will increase employment stability, <br /> 8 avoid disruptions in treatment and education, preserve family stability, and as a result, reduce <br /> 9 the likelihood of re-arrest. For individuals participating in the pretrial release program, the <br /> 10 position will also provide case management support in treatment or diversionary programs with <br /> 11 the expectation that this higher level of therapeutic support will increase successful outcomes in <br /> 12 these programs and reduce recidivism. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Finally, this position will support inmates remaining in the jail with counseling for ongoing mental <br /> 15 health issues and will create discharge plans for those being released. The goal of these <br /> 16 efforts is to promote immediate engagement in community resources upon release in an effort <br /> 17 to reduce rates of recidivism. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Funding for this position will be supported through reimbursement from Cardinal Innovations. <br /> 20 Annually, the County provides maintenance of effort funding to Cardinal Innovations to support <br /> 21 selected mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual/developmental disability services. In <br /> 22 Fiscal Year 15-16, Orange County allocated $1.3 million to its maintenance of effort payment, <br /> 23 which includes a $107,500 reserve to support unforeseen needs. The County would use <br /> 24 $31,200 of this reserve to finance the costs associated with Criminal Case Assessment <br /> 25 Specialist. The position started in January as an un-benefited, temporary position but would be <br /> 26 converted to a full time, benefitted position upon approval by the Board of County <br /> 27 Commissioners. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 FINANCIAL IMPACT: The expenses for the Criminal Case Assessment Specialist are <br /> 30 estimated to be $31,200. This includes funding for a temporary position for 60 days and <br /> 31 funding for a full time, benefitted position for the balance of the fiscal year. These costs would <br /> 32 be fully offset by reimbursement from Cardinal Innovations of$31,200, resulting in no net cost <br /> 33 to the County. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Commissioner Dorosin asked Caitlen Fenhagen if she could clarify how she and the <br /> 36 Criminal Case Assessment Specialist will interact. <br /> 37 Caitlen Fenhagen said this person will be in her office, and will be working to insure that <br /> 38 those with mental health needs within drug court and pretrial services do not get overlooked. <br /> 39 She added that this position will work closely with the jails, and has the full support of the jail <br /> 40 administrators to conduct limited mental health assessments when offenders enter the jail. <br /> 41 Commissioner Pelissier said all the stakeholders are very committed to these new <br /> 42 positions. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> 45 Board to approve the creation of a 1.0 FTE Criminal Case Assessment Specialist, and accept <br /> 46 revenue from Cardinal Innovations to offset the cost of the position. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 49 <br /> 50 8. Reports <br />