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13 <br /> 1 4. Section 4-45 Public Nuisance (Page 22). The BOCC requested further clarification of the <br /> 2 term "odor" found in Section 4-45(b)(2). The following sentence was added Section 4-45(b)(2): <br /> 3 <br /> 4 "For purposes of this subsection odor shall include, but is not limited to, a distinctive or <br /> 5 particularly unpleasant smell of animal urine or feces, that is lingering or lasting in nature." <br /> 6 <br /> 7 5. Section 4-53 Appeals (Page 27-28). The BOCC requested a number of changes to the <br /> 8 appeal process including providing the Board with a separate policy governing the appointment <br /> 9 of pool of members to serve on an appeals panel. Staff has made the changes to the Section <br /> 10 4-53 of the proposed UAO as follows: <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Sec. 4-53. -Appeals. <br /> 13 Except as provided herein any appeals provided by this Chapter shall be to a three member <br /> 14 hearing panel comprised of two members of the Orange County Animal Services Hearing Panel <br /> 15 and one member of either Carrboro, Chapel Hill or Hillsborough so designated by the <br /> 16 respective Town or a member of the public designated by the Board of County Commissioners <br /> 17 for this purpose within 5 days of the final decision made in the action. <br /> 18 (a) A person who has been found to be in violation of this Chapter may appeal the final decision <br /> 19 made by the Animal Services Director to the appeal board by filing a notice of appeal containing <br /> 20 a concise statement of the reason for the appeal and delivering it to the Animal Services <br /> 21 Director within five (5) days of receipt of the final decision. <br /> 22 (b) A hearing shall be scheduled within ten (10) days of the receipt of notice of appeal. <br /> 23 (c) Neither a party nor the Department shall be represented by an attorney. A party alleged to <br /> 24 be in violation of this Chapter may be accompanied by an individual of their choosing. Such <br /> 25 individual may be an attorney and may communicate with the party but the attorney may not <br /> 26 participate in the appeal. <br /> 27 (d) The chair of the hearing panel shall administer oaths to all witnesses and make any ruling <br /> 28 necessary to preserve fairness, order and proper decorum. <br /> 29 (e) A person appealing a decision may present competent, relevant and material evidence or <br /> 30 testimony, cross-examine witnesses, inspect documents, and offer evidence or testimony in <br /> 31 explanation or rebuttal. <br /> 32 (f)Any member of the hearing panel may call as a witness and question any interested party <br /> 33 who has competent, relevant and material comments about the matters contained within the <br /> 34 appeal. <br /> 35 (g) Members of the hearing panel may exclude and not factor into their decision any evidence, <br /> 36 testimony, or statements deemed incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious and <br /> 37 therefore fail to reasonable address the issues before the hearing panel. <br /> 38 (h) Within seven (7) days of the hearing the hearing panel shall issue a decision and cause that <br /> 39 decision to forward to the person making the appeal and all other interested parties. <br /> 40 (i) Appeal under Section 4-42 of this Chapter (Vicious Animals and Dangerous Dogs) shall be to <br /> 41 a three member hearing panel consisting of one member of the Animal Services Advisory <br /> 42 Board, who shall serve as Chair, and two members drawn from the remainder of the pool. At <br /> 43 least one member of the panel shall be from either the Town or County where the incident <br /> 44 occurred. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 The Animal Services Advisory Board may make additional rules Board of County <br /> 47 Commissioners shall adopt a policy, which may be amended from time to time, governing the <br /> 48 appointment of appeals panel members and any additional processes necessary to carry out <br /> 49 appeals in fair and equitable manner. The Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough <br />