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9 <br /> 1 establish noise limits that are enforced through the land use administration process; and it does <br /> 2 not seek to regulate the caliber of weapon or bullet type. He said it is hoped that the ordinance <br /> 3 will be a reasonable attempt to allow for protected freedom while insuring that one's choice in <br /> 4 how to engage in a recreational activity on one's property does not have a negative impact on <br /> 5 adjacent property owners. <br /> 6 Michael Harvey noted that the Planning Board has recommended approval of the <br /> 7 amendment. <br /> 8 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the reason that firing guns on private property cannot be <br /> 9 eliminated is due to laws outside of the County. <br /> 10 Michael Harvey said yes. <br /> 11 Commissioner Dorosin asked if Michael Harvey could walk him through a hypothetical <br /> 12 situation if one hears gunfire while at home and is concerned. <br /> 13 Michael Harvey said there are two mechanisms to register complaints: the Sheriff's <br /> 14 office, who will do an independent investigation, and complaints to the Planning Department. <br /> 15 He said Planning Department staff will investigate the details of the complaint. He said one is <br /> 16 able to discharge a firearm on one's property not more than twice a month without creating a <br /> 17 zoning violation. He said if one is seeking to establish a target shooting activity, one must go <br /> 18 through the zoning compliance process to establish the backstop and required setbacks, and <br /> 19 receive authorization to proceed. <br /> 20 Commissioner Dorosin said his questions are for the benefit of the public to highlight the <br /> 21 difference between registering a complaint about the discharge of firearms versus the need for <br /> 22 the Planning Department to get involved in a land use violation. <br /> 23 Michael Harvey said this is an important distinction. He said the proposed amendment <br /> 24 seeks to provide a mechanism to insure that the activities are being conducted as safely as <br /> 25 possible. <br /> 26 Commissioner Dorosin asked if a municipality can regulate the discharge of a weapon <br /> 27 within the city limits. <br /> 28 John Roberts said cities have specific authority to enforce such regulations within the <br /> 29 city limits, but the County does not have that type of authority. He read from GS 153-A129 <br /> 30 giving a county's specific abilities to regulate the discharge of firearms. <br /> 31 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the BOCC wanted to adopt an ordinance that prevented <br /> 32 the discharge of firearms, could it do so. <br /> 33 John Roberts said the BOCC can put restrictions on the discharge of firearms and gave <br /> 34 several examples. <br /> 35 Michael Harvey said this proposed text amendment is not designed to affect or regulate <br /> 36 hunting activities. <br /> 37 Commissioner Rich said her concern is about enforcement and the safety of staff <br /> 38 enforcing the UDO. She clarified that the Sheriff would be called first, and then a follow up from <br /> 39 zoning staff to make sure that all is in accordance with the ordinance. <br /> 40 Michael Harvey said the ordinance does not state that the Sheriff will go out first. He <br /> 41 said Planning and the Sheriff work closely together, but the ordinance does not mandate that <br /> 42 the Sheriff go first. <br /> 43 Commissioner Rich said she is concerned for the safety of County employees that are <br /> 44 charged with enforcing these codes. <br /> 45 John Roberts said it is his recommendation to pull this shooting activities section out of <br /> 46 the UDO, and put it in the General Ordinances. He said it can be left as it is or added to. He <br /> 47 offered an example from Lenoir County. He said if an investigation occurs while firearms are <br /> 48 still being discharged, it may be prudent to have a trained law enforcement officer present. He <br /> 49 said if this is the Board's desire, he could bring it back at the second meeting in February. <br /> 50 Commissioner Rich said she agrees with John Roberts' recommendation. <br />