Orange County NC Website
Article 10: Definitions <br /> Section 10.1: Definitions <br /> customary accessories, orna - , . - _ - -is lands -•••• --- •- •-rmi ed in any setback if they do <br /> not constitute substantial • •-,"••-- • ee ow of light an. .• - •- - •ack or violate provisions <br /> • ---- • • er regulations regarding visibility. <br /> Sexually Oriented Devices <br /> Any artificial or simulated Specified Anatomical Area or other device or paraphernalia that is designed <br /> principally for Specified Sexual Activities but shall not mean any contraceptive device. <br /> Sexually Oriented Business <br /> A business which offers its customers or adult patrons any device, activity or demonstration depicting <br /> Specified Sexual Activities , or which is intended to appeal to sexual interests, titillation or arousal of the <br /> customer or adult patron. A sexually oriented business shall include an adult establishment as in NCGS <br /> 14-202.10(2) and, in addition, without limitation shall include: Adult Arcade, Adult Bookstore, Adult Video <br /> Store, Adult Cabaret, Adult Motel, and Adult Escort Agency. <br /> Sign <br /> A letter, figure, character, mark, plane, point, marquee, design, poster, pictorial, picture, str e, stripe, <br /> line, :•emark, reading matter, or illuminated surface which is constructed, placed, attach:., painted, <br /> erected, -,tened or manufactured in any manner so that the same shall be used for th- attraction of the <br /> public to any . .ce, subject, person, firm, corporation, public performance, article, .chine, or <br /> merchandise, wh •4 are displayed in any manner, including out-of-doors. <br /> Sign, Abandoned <br /> A sign for which no legal own- an be found or any sign face or sig ructure that advertises a business <br /> not conducted on the premises to •ver 90 days In making the d- -rmination that a sign advertises a <br /> business no longer being conducted, - Planning Director sh-. consider the following: the existence or <br /> absence of a current occupational license, tility service d=•osit, or account; use of the premises; and <br /> relocation of the business. <br /> Abandoned Sign shall also include the following: <br /> a) Through age and/or obsolescence a si•• a' •• longer conforms to structural or maintenance <br /> specifications of Section 6.12, or <br /> b) Any pole, pylon, or structure expr- sly installed for th- •urpose of affixing a sign that bears no <br /> sign or copy. <br /> Sign, Advertiser <br /> Any person who is a Jesse= or owner of a sign, an agent of same, or anyone t• -t has beneficial use of a <br /> sign. <br /> Sign, Adve ing Display Area <br /> The adverti • g display surface area encompassed within any polygon that would enclose all s of the <br /> sign. T - structural supports for a sign, whether, they be columns, pylons, or a building, or a part -reof, <br /> shall ••t be included in the advertising area Also known as Sign Area. <br /> • An example of how advertising display area or sign area is calculated is as follows: <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 10-39 <br />