Orange County NC Website
PURCHASE OUTSIDE OF THE STATE CONTRACT <br /> When purchasing vehicles outside the State Contract, the County shall develop a contract <br /> proposal and submit to the Department for review and approval prior to initiating work, The <br /> proposal be in compliance with and include applicable language concerning the following federal <br /> laws, regulations, and state requirements. <br /> 0 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 18; <br /> a North Carolina General Statute: 143-129; and 143-131, <br /> BUY AMERICA <br /> All vehicle purchases funded through FHWA must meet Buy America requirements, stipulated at <br /> 23 USC 313, with regulatory provisions found at 23 CFR 635•1410, unless a waiver from Buy <br /> America is obtained from FHWA. <br /> 9. USE OF VEHICLE /ROLLING STOCK <br /> The County agrees to use Project property for appropriate Project purposes. <br /> The County shall maintain all project equipment at a high level of cleanliness, safety, and <br /> mechanical soundness In accordance with the minimum maintenance requirements <br /> recommended by the manufacturer. <br /> TITLE TO VEHICLES <br /> • The Certificate of Title to all vehicles purchased shall be in the name of the County. In <br /> the event of project termination or breach of contract provisions,the County shall, upon <br /> written notification by the Department, surrender all vehicles and/or transfer the <br /> Certificate(s)of Title for all vehicles to the Department or the Department's designee. <br /> • The County agrees that the Federal or State Government may direct the disposition of, <br /> and even require the County to transfer title to any Project property financed with <br /> Federal/State assistance under this Agreement. <br /> • The County agrees that it will not execute any transfer of title, lease,lien, pledge, <br /> mortgage,encumbrance,third party contract,sub-agreement, grant anticipation note, <br /> alienation, innovative finance arrangement(such as a cross border lease, leveraged <br /> lease, or otherwise), or any other obligation pertaining to Project property, that in any way <br /> would affect the continuing Federal and State interest in that Project property. <br /> Agreement ID#6119 '7 <br />