Orange County NC Website
OTHER AGREEMENTS <br /> The County is solely responsible for all agreements, contracts, and work orders entered into or <br /> issued by the County for this Project. The Department Is not responsible for any expenses or <br /> obligations incurred for the Project except those specifically eligible for Congestion Mitigation and <br /> Air Quality funds and obligations as approved by the Department under the terms of this <br /> Agreement. <br /> AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS <br /> All terms and conditions of this Agreement are dependent upon, and, subject to'the allocation of <br /> funds for the purpose set forth in the Agreement and the Agreement shall automatically terminate <br /> if funds cease to be available. <br /> IMPROPER USE OF FUNDS <br /> Where either the Department or the FHWA determines that the funds paid to the County for this <br /> Project are not used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,the Department will bill the <br /> County, <br /> TERMINATION OF PROJECT <br /> If the County decides to terminate the Project without the concurrence of the Department,the <br /> County shall reimburse the Department one hundred percent(100%)of all costs expended by the <br /> Department and associated with the Project. <br /> AUDITS <br /> In accordance with OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of States, Local governments and Non-Profit <br /> Organizations" (htt .0/www,whitehouse, q Q v/omblcirculars default]and the Federal Single Audit <br /> Act Amendments of 1996,the County shall arrange for an annual independent financial and <br /> compliance audit of its fiscal operations. The County shall furnish the Department with a copy of <br /> the annual independent audit report within thirty(30)days of completion of the report,but not <br /> later than nine(9) months after the County's fiscal year ends, <br /> REIMBURSEMENT BY COUNTY <br /> For all monies due the Department as referenced in this Agreement, reimbursement shall be <br /> made by the County to the Department within sixty(60) days of receiving an invoice. A late <br /> Agreement ID#6119 14 <br />