Orange County NC Website
Agreement by reference at M",fhwa,dgt,ggv/1!2gsLegs/direotives/fapcitoc.htm. Reimbursement <br /> to the County shall be subject to the guidance contained in Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations, <br /> Part 170 i(hillp:// 01 pdf/201 Q-227Q5.Rdf)and Office of Management <br /> and Budget(OMB) "Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Acf'(FFATA). Said <br /> reimbursement shall also be subject to the Department being reimbursed by the Federal Highway <br /> Administration and subject to compliance by the County with all applicable federal policy and <br /> procedures. <br /> REIMBURSEMENT LIMITS <br /> ■ WORK PERFORMED BEFORE NOTIFICATION <br /> Any costs incurred by the County prior to written notification by the Department to <br /> proceed with the work shall not be eligible for reimbursement. <br /> ■ NO REIMBURSEMENT IN EXCESS OF APPROVED FUNDING <br /> At no time shall the Department reimburse the County costs that exceed the total funding <br /> per this Agreement and any Supplemental Agreements. <br /> ■ UNSUBSTANTIATED COSTS <br /> The County agrees that it shall bear all costs for which it is unable to substantiate actual <br /> costs or any costs that have been deemed unallowable by the Federal Highway <br /> Administration and/or the Department's Financial Management Division. <br /> ■ WORK PERFORMED BY NCDOT <br /> All work performed by the Department on this Project, including, but not limited to, <br /> reviews, inspections,and Project oversight,shall reduce the maximum award amount of <br /> $164,129 available to the County under this Agreement, The Department will bill the <br /> County for the non-federal match of any costs that the Department incurs on the Project <br /> and for any costs that exceed the Total Estimated Cost, <br /> BILLING THE DEPARTMENT <br /> PROCEDURE <br /> The County may bill the Department for eligible Project costs in accordance with the <br /> Department's guidelines and procedures. Proper supporting documentation shall <br /> Agreement ID#6119 11 <br />