Orange County NC Website
INSURANCE PROCEEDS <br /> If the County receives insurance proceeds as a result of damage or destruction to the <br /> Project property,the County agrees to: <br /> 0 Apply those insurance proceeds to the cost of replacing the damaged or <br /> destroyed Project property taken out of service;or, <br /> 0 Return to the Department an amount equal to the remaining Federal and <br /> State interest in the damaged or destroyed Project property. <br /> IO.CLOSE-OUT <br /> Upon completion of the Project, the County shall be responsible for the following; <br /> FINAL PROJECT CERTIFICATION <br /> The County will provide a certification to the Department that all work performed for this Project is <br /> in accordance with all applicable standards, guidelines, and regulations. <br /> The County agrees that Project closeout by the Department will not change the County's property <br /> management responsibilities and may be set forth in subsequent Federal and State laws, <br /> regulations, and directives,except to the extent the Department determines otherwise in writing, <br /> 11.REIMBURSEMENT <br /> SCOPE OF REIMBURSEMENT <br /> Activities eligible for funding reimbursement for this Project shall include: <br /> a Purchase of 28', 22-passenger diesel-powered transit vehicle <br /> REIMBURSEMENT GUIDANCE <br /> The County shall adhere to applicable administrative requirements of Title 2 Code of Federal <br /> Regulations, Part 200 (www, gtives/L apg t_og,htm)"Uniform <br /> Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards." <br /> Reimbursement to the County shall be subject to the policies and procedures contained in Title <br /> 23 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 140 and Part 172,which is being incorporated into this <br /> Agreement ID#6119 10 <br />