Orange County NC Website
0039 <br /> Nnn) <br /> NORTH CAROLINA LOCALLY ADMINISTERED PROJECT— <br /> FEDERAL:VEHICLE PURCHASE/TRANSIT <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> DATE: 12/1/2015 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF <br /> TRANSPORTATION <br /> TIP* C-5602 A <br /> AND WBS Elements: PE <br /> ROW <br /> ORANGE COUNTY CON 43710.3.2 <br /> OTHER FUNDING: <br /> FEDERAL-AID NUMBER: CMS-0708(073) <br /> CFDA#: 20.205 <br /> Total Funds[NCDOT Participation] $164,129 <br /> THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on the last date executed below, by and between the <br /> North Carolina Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter <br /> referred to as the"Department"and the Orange County, hereinafter referred to as the"County". <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, Section 1113 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century(MAP-21)allows for <br /> the allocation of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds to be available for certain specified <br /> transportation activities;and, <br /> WHEREAS,the County has requested federal funding for Orange County Transit Service Expansion, <br /> hereinafter referred to as the Project, in Orange County, North Carolina; and, <br /> WHEREAS, subject to the availability of federal funds,the County has been designated as a recipient <br /> to receive funds allocated to the Department by the Federal Highway Administration(FHWA) up to <br /> and not to exceed the maximum award amount of$164,129 for the Project; and, <br /> WHEREAS,the Department has agreed to administer the disbursement of said funds on behalf of <br /> FHWA to the County for the Project in accordance with the Project scope of work and in accordance <br /> with the provisions set out in this Agreement; and, <br /> WHEREAS,the Department has programmed funding in the approved Transportation Improvement <br /> Program for the Project;and, <br /> WHEREAS,the governing board of the County has agreed to participate in certain costs and to <br /> assume certain responsibilities in the manner and to the extent as hereinafter set out; and, <br /> Agreement ID#6119 1 <br />