Orange County NC Website
30 <br />42. Utility Line Placement: That except for three phase electrical distribution line, all new <br />and relocated utility lines shall be placed underground. The applicant shall indicate <br />proposed off-site utility line routing and upgrades required to service the site on Final <br />Plans, to be approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning <br />Compliance Permit. <br />43.OWASA Off-Site Improvements: That final plans and all approval required for the <br />OWASA sewer main extension project, as designed to provide sewer service to this <br />site and adjoining properties, be approved by OWASA and the Town Manager prior <br />to occupying the building. <br />44. Final Sewer Plan Approval: Approval of final sewer plan may occur after issuance of <br />the Zoning Compliance Permit, in order to allow applicant adequate time to acquire <br />ofF site utility easements. <br />45.OWASA Easements: That when an appropriate location for a OWASA sewer <br />easement is determined, easement documents as required by OWASA be reviewed <br />and approved by the Town Manager and recorded. <br />46. Fire Hydrant Location: All new structures shall be located within 400 feet of a fire <br />hydrant and all hydrants be shown on Final Plans, subject to the approval of the Town <br />Manager, prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />47. Fire Apparatus Access: All driveway entrances shall be designed to meet the <br />minimum unobstructed turning radii for fire apparatus access. <br />48. Fire Flow Report: That a fire flow report, shall be prepared and sealed by a registered <br />professional engineer, which demonstrates that flows meet the minimum <br />requirements of the Town Design Manual, to be approved by the Town Manager prior. <br />to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />Miscellaneous Stipulations <br />49. Construction Management Plan: That a Construction Management Plan be approved <br />by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. That the <br />construction management plan: 1) indicate how construction vehicle traffic will be <br />managed, 2) identify parking areas for on-site construction workers including plans to <br />prohibit parking in residential neighborhoods, 3) indicate construction staging and <br />material storage areas, and 4) identify construction trailers and other associated <br />temporary construction management structures. <br />50. Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plan: That a Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plan be <br />reviewed and approved by the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning <br />Compliance Permit. That the plans include a Work Zone Traffic Control Plan for <br />movement of motorized and non-motorized vehicles on any public street that will be <br />disrupted during construction. The plan must include a pedestrian management plan <br />