Orange County NC Website
28 <br />28. Storm Drainageway Easement: That all stormwater management improvements, <br />outside the public right-of--way, shall be located inside reserved storm drainageway <br />easements and shown on the final plans and final plat, per Town guidelines, to be <br />approved by the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit <br />29. Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Plan: That the applicant shall provide a <br />Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Plan for all engineered stormwater facilities. <br />The plan shall include the maintenance schedule of the facilities to ensure that it <br />continues to function as originally intended and shall be approved by the Town <br />Manager, prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />30. State or Federal Approvals: That unless modified by the Town Manger, any required <br />State or Federal permits or encroachment agreements must be approved by the <br />appropriate agencies and copies of the approved permits be submitted to the Town <br />Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />31.Erosion Control: That a detailed soil erosion and sedimentation control plan, <br />including provision for monitoring and maintenance of facilities and modifications of <br />the plan if necessary, be approved by the NCDENR, Land Quality Section and the <br />Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />If one (1) acre or more is uncovered by land-disturbing activities for this project, then <br />a performance guarantee in accordance with Section 5-97.1 Bonds of the Town Code <br />of Ordinances shall be required prior to final authorization to begin land-disturbing <br />activities. This financial guarantee is intended to cover the costs of restoration of <br />failed or failing soil erosion and sedimentation controls, and/or to remedy damages <br />resulting from land-disturbing activities, should the responsible party or parties fail to <br />provide prompt and effective remedies acceptable to the Town. <br />32. Silt Control: That the applicant takes appropriate measures to prevent and remove the <br />deposit of wet or dry silt on adjacent paved roadways. <br />Stipulations Related to Resource Conservation District <br />33. Land Disturbance Activity Limited in the Resource Conservation District: That all <br />required stormwater improvements, including associated clearing and grading, shall <br />be located entirely outside of the Resource Conservation District and shall not impact <br />the root systems of any significant trees. That land disturbance activities associated <br />with the driveway and walking trails are limited to the upland zone of the Resource <br />Conservation District. The land disturbance, not including off-site work, in the <br />Resource Conservation District is limited to 17,500 square feet, within the upland <br />zone. <br />34. Erosion control in the Resource Conservation District: That where determined <br />practical, temporary erosion control management features are permitted within the <br />Resource Conservation District. That the land disturbance associated with these <br />