Agenda - 09-19-2007-6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-19-2007
Agenda - 09-19-2007-6e
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9/2/2008 4:05:37 AM
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8/28/2008 10:56:54 AM
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Minutes - 20070919
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
RES-2007-069 Resolution Amending The Joint Planning Area Zoning Atlas
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2007
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16 <br />Comment: Subsequent to the Public Hearing, the Town staff, Orange Water and Sewer <br />Authority, and the applicant met and revisited the issue of proposed sewer easement. Several <br />different scenarios emerged. The Applicant has chosen to removed the "proposed sanitary sewer <br />easement" from the Site Plan. This easement was requested by OWASA to establish a potential <br />link in the extension of public sanitary sewer service from Eubanks Road to "properties to the <br />south". The Applicant, Orange County, is aware that the Town Council has recently established <br />the Rogers Road Small Area Plan Task Force, which, among other things, will study the various <br />options for utility service to the subject area. Given this new information, the County feels that <br />the work of this committee should be concluded before any permanent utility easements are <br />established on County property. <br />Orange County has been invited to participate on this Task Force, and has agreed to do so. Since <br />the County has multiple land-holding interests in the area, future utility routes may indeed need <br />to cross County property in order to serve other lands. The County supports long-range planning <br />to determine the best utility options for the area, and will be a partner in this important process. <br />OWASA has a policy that requires "all design and construction within the service area shall <br />incorporate OWASA's long range planning objectives and shall provide for the orderly <br />expansion of the system to adjacent properties". We believe that the proposed easement would <br />provide the opportunity for OWASA to provide services to adjacent or upstream properties. We <br />have revised our recommendation to obligate the applicant to provide a 30-foot sewer easement, <br />if and when the location is determined by the Town Manager and OWASA. <br />4. Norfolk Southern Railroad: At the Public Hearing, we recommended that the applicant <br />construct a portion of the Eubanks Road sidewalk within the railroad right-of--way or provide <br />a payment-in-lieu for this portion of the sidewalk. <br />Comment: Since the Public Hearing the applicant has determined that the land area encumbered <br />by the railroad right-of--way is not owned by the applicant. The applicant has revised the plans to <br />indicate the change of boundary. We have revised our recommendations to remove the <br />stipulations requiring construction of the sidewalk within the railroad right-of--way. We have <br />also removed the stipulation regarding impervious surface associated with the railroad right-of- <br />way. In the accompanying Zoning Atlas Amendment memorandum, we have modified the <br />boundaries for the proposed rezoning. <br />5. Invasive Exotic Plantings: The proposed project Landscape Plan includes a plant list for the <br />proposed project. A Council member requested that invasive exotics planting selections be <br />removed from the planting list. <br />Comment: We have revised Resolution A to remove the two invasive exotic planting selections <br />- Lonicera fragrantissima and Pennisetum alopecuroides. <br />6. Parking Lot Shading Requirement: A Council member requested additional information <br />regarding parking lot shading requirements. <br />
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