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15 <br />applicant construct a left turn lane into the site driveway. At the Public Hearing, the applicant <br />expressed a concern over the required road improvements. and requested flexibility to continue <br />working with staff and the North Carolina Department of Transportation to evaluate the required <br />improvements. <br />Comment: Following the Public Hearing, the Town staff, the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation, and the applicant met and revisited the issue of roadway improvements around <br />the site. With the recommendation to include curb and gutter along the frontage, a Town design <br />standard, the North Carolina Department of Transportation requires the construction of 12 foot <br />travel lanes, instead of our earlier recommendation of 11 foot travel lanes. Based on these <br />discussions, we siuninarize the revised recommendations for roadway improvements along the <br />site's frontage: <br />• Pavement .widening to allow for two 12-foot wide travel lanes, left turn lane, a 4-foot <br />wide bicycle lane, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and 3-foot utility strip from the property's <br />western boundary to a point just west of Genestu Drive subject to the North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation and Town Manager approval. <br />• Dedicate half of an 80-foot right-of--way. <br />• A 50-foot left turn lane into the site driveway. <br />We understand that the applicant has agreed with these revised conditions. The applicant has <br />also proposed moving the site driveway location slightly to the west to provide additional <br />distance for the pavement widening tapers to avoid conflicting with the railroad crossing. These <br />recommended roadway improvements, including the relocated driveway, are shown on the <br />attached revised site plans dated August 29, 2007. <br />2. Bicycle lane width: During the Public Hearing a Council Member asked staff to explain why <br />staff is recommending a 4 foot wide bicycle lane. <br />Comment: The Town standard bicycle lane is 4 foot wide for collector and arterial streets, not <br />including the 30 inch wide concrete curb & gutter. This standard is shown in the Town's Design <br />Manual and Standard Details. However, dependent on the adjacent vehicle lane width bicycle <br />lane widths may increase to 5 feet. If bicycle lanes are requested on State maintained roads such <br />as Eubanks Road the State will allow a 4 foot wide bicycle lane when the adjacent vehicle lane is <br />12 feet or greater. If the travel lane is less than 12 feet wide then a 5 foot bike lane is the <br />minimum width necessary to meet the State's standard. Because the North Carolina Department <br />of Transportation is requiring 12 foot wide lanes along the frontage of this site we believe a 4 <br />foot wide bicycle lane is appropriate at this location. <br />3. On-site future utility improvements: The Public Hearing plans identified a future 30-foot <br />wide OWASA sewer easement, traversing the western boundary of the site, intended to <br />provide OWASA service to future development to the south. The revised plans, before the <br />Council tonight, all reference to the future sewer easement have been removed. <br />