Agenda - 09-19-2007-6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-19-2007
Agenda - 09-19-2007-6e
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8/28/2008 10:56:54 AM
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Minutes - 20070919
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
RES-2007-069 Resolution Amending The Joint Planning Area Zoning Atlas
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2007
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13 <br />further to the north slang Hillhouse Road, the Town has constructed a new Municipal <br />Operations Facility. Lastly, to.the west, on the opposite side of the existing landfill, <br />Orange County is currently developing a new' Solid Waste Operations Facility. <br />Clearly, the subject area is undergoi~pg a well=planned and orderly transition to a more <br />service-oriented character. The requested zoning is sunilar to current zoning of much of <br />the area, including several adjacent .parcels. In addition,. the proposed land use will be <br />compatible with current and emerging' land usage patterns in the area, 'and will provide a <br />valuable service facility for Town.citizens and for the~Coutriy at large. . <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />The proposed land use is consistent with a significant recommendation of the Town's <br />~adopted~ Comprehensive Plan. ~ The Plan identifies the general area around the subject <br />property as the Northwest Focus. Area. One. recommendation.o~the Plan, is to <br />"Encourage regional cooperation, particularly with Orange Comity and.Carrbora, to <br />address the provision of services and infrastructure in the Northwest Area." (Appendix B, <br />Chapter 4; Paragraph 4.4). ~ . <br />Based on studies of geographic, demographic, transportation, and other parameters, <br />Orange County has determined that the Northwest Area of Chapel Hill, and the subject <br />property in particular, is strategically suited for the location and provision of this <br />. ~ important public service. Further, the Applicant believes that the requested zoning <br />amendment is necessary for the subject property? to allow the County to provide <br />comprehensive animal services at the appropriate level of quality. <br />Orange County proposes to install public utility improvements as necessary for the proper <br />operation of this facility. Consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive <br />Plan, these infrastructure improvements will serve public purposes by providing critical <br />public utility service to this important Focus Area. <br />SUMMARY <br />The requested zoning amendment will allow Orange County to provide comprehensive <br />.and high-quality animal services, including sheltering, adoption, animal control, public <br />outreach, and related activities, to eitizens of the Town of Chapel Hill and Orange County <br />at large. The requested zoning classification and corresponding land use will be . <br />compatible with current and emerging patterns in the area. In addition, the requested <br />zoning.amendment will comply with an important recommendation of the Town's <br />Comprehensive Plan. Further, the Applicant will accept Conditional Use zoning in order <br />to subject usage ofthe properiy~to specific conditions attached to a Special Use Permit. <br />
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