Orange County NC Website
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He found out later that this was not true, but that it was referring tO <br />K8ead0NOOont. He said that the developer of Meadowmont told him that Orange County had <br />nothing bDdowith this growth. He said that 1-85 runs through DU[haDl' Orange, GOdA|8Dl8nCe <br />Counties, and in the past 20 months, Durham County has created in excess of 2,500 new <br />commercial jobs and has added $545 million Vf new commercial tax base. A|gnnaOCe County has <br />created some $2OO-3OO million iD new commercial tax base and hundreds nfjobs. C)n3ng8 <br />County property tax has increased 524%in the last 2Oyears. The property tax has increased <br />every year for 1Q straight years. He said that Orange County has aD image that has b]be <br />[xe[conlg. HB asked the County Commissioners what they intended tOdO about it. <br />Sam L8S[is lives in Cedar Grove. He spoke OD behalf Vf the Orange Unified <br />Transportation Board. H8 said that it has come tO the attention Of the CJUTB that the <br />Durham/Chapel Hi||/Cgr[bOnOK8P[Jis going tDrelease socioeconomic data and projections that <br />will be used for regional transportation planning for the years 2OO5-2O35. |tiS anticipated that this <br />data will bg released after the meeting OO September 12m. H8 formally requested that this data be <br />included in the profile element. <br />James Carnahan lives OD122 Oak Street, C8[[borV. H8iS8 board member Of The Village <br />Project, but he said that the CDD1rDent8 he was going to make were his OVVD. He distributed a <br />handout. The column VO the right includes his suggested wording Of the draft goals. He said that <br />he is particularly iOi8r8St8d in the concept OfsVstaiDabi|ih/. He agreed with K8@rt« K8aOde|| that <br />clarity Of the 8UstaiDabi|if« goal is very important. He said that itiG important tO talk about the <br />outcomes of growth and development rather than use a phrase like "sustainable growth" or <br />" sustainable dgme|opUlenY'. He thinks that the goal iS that the outcome Of all activities iS <br />ecologically, 8cOOOnnicg||y' and GOCia||y sustainable. He thinks that the language ShOU|d reflect <br />this and avoid the ambiguity Of"sustainable growth" or "sustainable dgve|opDleOt''. He said that a <br />couple Ofthe elements did not have over-arching goals, and he thought that it was important for <br />consistency that they did, 8Ohe created them. Hg asked the County Commissioners tOconsider <br />the amended language Of the goals, which i8 in bold italics. <br />Laura Blackmon made reference to the Economic Development overarching goal and said <br />that the staff is looking 8[ the definition Ofeconomic development. She would like for the <br />Economic Development Commission to look at this again and perhaps broaden the definition. <br />Patrick McDonough lives 8t1O5 Fidelity Street, C8[[bOFo. He said that hg thinks that the <br />fundamental question before the Board i8where growth goes. He thinks that the County has <br />been great at deciding where growth will not go, but not so great at deciding where it will go. He <br />said that a lot of his friends are planning to move to Durham so that they can buy a house. He <br />said that there are not enough homes that are affordable iD Orange County. H8 said that it will be <br />great to have all Of the elements done g[ once for the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Dolly Hunter lives iD Bingham Township. She made reference tOthe stated goal ofthe <br />County Profile Data Element, which states that it is to be "updated, useful, and relevant." She <br />suggested adding the word "@cCUngte". For example, the most recent water resource research is <br />from 1981, and water resources govern the amount of growth that can occur. She also requested <br />that there be 8CcUngte historic subdivision and lot size data and something to show that the <br />number Df minor and major GUbdivisiODSh8VeAOOedVVvO'gDdth@tp[iDOari|y1O-@cPe|otSh@Ve <br />been created because itis so difficult to get subdivision approval. She said that the minimum lot <br />size being created iG closer bo three acres and not the one Or two-acre lot size minimum allowed. <br />She said that the fact that minor and major GubdivisionappPOV@|ig8odifficu|tGhou|db8 <br />researched. The Land Use Element Goal #8iGtO have the land use planning process be <br />